Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Today's IT lesson was hilarious, i was trying to uess who gerlyn has a crush on, while she was guessing mine, which sparked to a whole lot more ppl trying to guess who my crush is they kept asking4 more clues.... pathetic, the asnwer was so obvious.... Sean was smart enough to guess it, but his lips n my lips r sealed so u'll never find out my crush.
For the first time in a while i handed in my zuo ye on time.
had lunch with james chidam n cher sheng n humphrey, supposed to eat with don n sean too but me chidam n james were late.I ruined my friendship with vincent again ecause he shouted in my ear, i shouted in is and warned him not too, he screamed in my ear, n that was it, i chased him , shouted : F**k u! a swung my fist towards him hit him hard on the head. He stood there, shocked for a while, like he was gonna faint(i think he was acting). while cs, cchidam n james stood there shocked that i shouted the f-word and attacking vincet, what's more, he followed us to the macdonald's! He just sat there n shut up.

PS. Vincent, i'm not gonna apologise, a lot of ppl always ask u to not scream unnesassarily.U just don't wanna listen.....

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