Friday, March 23, 2007

TGIF(dunno wad to write for title)

2dae damn scary lor... because some boys never cut hair for many day so they 请一个 barber come n cut their hairthen when they saw one of the boys,(Don't want to reveal his name) had to cut n some of the girls made noise then Mr Soo was looking at the session lar n when mr goh walked towards our class after seeing the shaving hair thing, he asked, any1 want go cut hair?Everyone act blur or say no or just said hi!when Mr soh walked over we all ran back to our seats then he walked to me n donavon which totally freaked me out because i thought need to cut hair. Then the class went oorrrrrhhhhh then when i found out that we onli needed to take home econs file, i went "heng ar!" and the class went chhhheeeeeee!!!!!then we tok tok tok during maths lar,(the selected members from all groups were busy writing the answers on board) so got nth to do then we just tok lor. N i found out that Vincent has a veri oily face when he used an oil blotter he got from the gurls.I was freaked out by the amount of oil lar! then got CCA i was the onli non-syf member there lar! so sian...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


i was late 4 sch,
i reached sch at 8.48am,
i got maths to do
vincent piss me again!
fuck lar,i overslept sooo much lar,lucky got no teacher in class or i die man,the class kept asking me y u so late?for heaven's sakes, the reason was obviously that i overslept right? wad u think? i was caught in a traffic jam when my house is near the school?use ur brain lar so stupid, go die lar....
i got my progress repot n this were my grades,

English :B3(nnnoooo!!!!!cannot be!!!1)
Chinese:B4(not shocked)
Maths :A1(lucky sia!!)
Science:B4(can't help it, my science is unstable)
Literature:A2(lucky again!)
Home econs:B4(not surprised)

Thursday, March 15, 2007


While i m typing this, i m forcing myself to stay awake,so tired(u all noe i fal asleep easily).
Time table for 15 march 2007:
8.00am-8.30am:wake up,brush teeth,wash face,eat breakfast,change,wear socks,pack bag,wear shoes,leave house.
8.30am-8.45am:walk to mrt station to activate new fugly ez-link card(i actually said no when they ask me if i wan keep old ez-link card!boohoo!!)
8.45am-9.03am:"RUSH" TO SCHOOL!
9.03am-12.??:history project
1.??pm:CEC meeting

After we finished the project, i accidentaly hit donavon on the nose!u see, i thought he wanted to whack my back which is my weak spot so i swung my arm at him and it accidentaly hit his nose n it bled!!!!!!!!Blood! omg!i injured his nose! the guy i almost had a crush on!(joking about the last part)
CEC meeting was quite funny though....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


sigh another holiday,so much work, haven't started,dun wan do..... holiday is sian de lor , recently, i like a new anime(well it isn't new) Ojamajo Doremi!
(from left to right, Momoko,Hadzuki,Doremi,Aiko,Onpu)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

1.Sports DAY!!!! 2.vincent never fails to piss me off,i wanna kill him

sports day,early in da mornin i had to call my frens to ask how to go yck stadium,wated to take bus but ended up takin train,got my new ez-link card n it looks so fugly!!!!argh!!!!!pfft i wanna change it!!!!!!!sigh.......sports day was fine we did cheering and spent the whole day listening to unity makin noisen the people that ate their breadroll never threw the litter properly and littered all over the place n expect others to help them throw them away!can't they be more civic minded?n helios seemed to win everything........gah!!!after everything, vincet kept chasing/stalking/harassing/following me,n i embarassed myself in front of the seniors on the train... that fucking gay!!!!i'll incinerate him!!!!from yio chu kang MRT station he kept following me and stared at me in the train when i tokin to Gerlyn (she hates him too!)when i got down the train, he followed me, that *inserts most vulgar thing on earth that's not enough to describe him* Gay!!!!!! i wanna kill,mutilate,burn,incinerate,murder,chop up,cook,shoot,slice,blast,explode,blow etc etc he had better be careful when sch reopens.Well,as i was saying, he followed me out of the train,run nning along bus stop, and on the way home, towiden the running gap, i hit his hate with my bottle,he kept shouting things like, don't run away!,i so scary meh?,i not monster!.for heaven's sakes he is!!!!he later left me alone but i will report him....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

pissed off by vincent again...

is he acting or really gay?even so,她可以根man吗?he pisses me off whenever i m in good mood or busy,he say people say himself lar!KNN stupid f-ing vincent!iwanna kill him!just by treating my hand as claws can send him crying,is he a man or not? He even fusses non-stop!ok, i admit i may be a bit of a sissy but he is way worse than me!he must have severe hormonial inbalane!!!! Just typing about him makes my blood boil!!! Anyway class was as usual chinese class was soooooo sian, and i cooked for the very first time in my life(cup noodles not included) during home econs, the food tasted horrible though, i only ate one strand off the spaghetti n i couldn't take it, (well it was left untouched 4 about 45 mins). now i really need help on how to change blogskins...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

2 years...

OH YEAH, FORGOT ABOUT MY BLOG FOR TwO YEARs!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................................. eww, it looks like it's rotting,(note: i removed a post form 2 years ago)

a lot has changed, i now study in deyi sec, still in a drama club, DRAMA ROX!!!have new teachers, new frens,new rivals etc etc
things that haven't changed:

My talkativeness
My competetiveness
The way i talk,
How quarrelsome i m,
My love for anime
my lousiness at gaming
And many many more


ONE PIECE!!!!!!!

my fav characer is sanji!!!!*kick* *break something* *mom scolds*

so cool! his style of kicking!!!especialy his new attack,

Diable Jambe!!!

I've also taken a liking into BLEACH!!!!!!although i onli watch till episode 60 lar.....

OK!!!! that's alllllll for 2dae!!!

how?school so sian

my grades are dropping,

i'm starting to slack,

i'm turning to be like my irritating sis!!!!!!

