Wednesday, March 07, 2007

pissed off by vincent again...

is he acting or really gay?even so,她可以根man吗?he pisses me off whenever i m in good mood or busy,he say people say himself lar!KNN stupid f-ing vincent!iwanna kill him!just by treating my hand as claws can send him crying,is he a man or not? He even fusses non-stop!ok, i admit i may be a bit of a sissy but he is way worse than me!he must have severe hormonial inbalane!!!! Just typing about him makes my blood boil!!! Anyway class was as usual chinese class was soooooo sian, and i cooked for the very first time in my life(cup noodles not included) during home econs, the food tasted horrible though, i only ate one strand off the spaghetti n i couldn't take it, (well it was left untouched 4 about 45 mins). now i really need help on how to change blogskins...

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