Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fairly average day

still miss and keep thinking of the musical, still haven't done english reading assignmenat and my literature. i plan to do it soon. so the last i thing i'm gonna probably do right now with the comp is type this boringboring entry. I'm writing this boring entry right now cos i'm a boring person that is bored. so whatever i do or write has to be boring. No colour. Just like my life.

Kristopher has just bored you and wasted ur precious fucked-up time

Saturday, March 29, 2008

On the way to republic poly for the musical

musical is over

i can't believe it, the musical is over. haven't been posting cos of rehearsals. It was extremely busy. A lot of hard work, sacrifices, teary moments, fun moments, angry moments, but this whole musical has been a journey for all of us, it has changed us, made us know more about ourselves, though i was only a crew, i learnt a lot. i made new friends and got to know my current ones much better.

28 march 2008

1)Went to republic poly . i took a video on the bus

2)Got ready at TRCC . (mayhem in wardobe!) 3)Rehearsal (full run)

4)Lunch 5)Touch up on make-up and crew does a parody run of the musical on stage to test lights. 6)Rest 7)People n VIPs come in and the show starts 8)Intermission biggest chaos in wardrobe yet 9)Act 2 and show ends 10)pack up and teary parts 11)went home at 11.30 after shifting everything back with teachers(the cast could go home earlier and eat supper, so unfair!)

This should be a VERY ROUGH summary of what happened if i'm not wrong. the cast got released earlier and could go eat supper while the crew and staff had to move in the sets n stuff. damn unfair. only reached home at 12mdinight.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

New phone!

finally! a new phone! after dunno how many years, i finally have a new one!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ohh YEAH!!!!

yeah! my internet is back to normal!!!! I called the technician who will be repairing ze phone line tmr, then i go play some comp games cos my nds had a flat batt n james didn't return me my charger. Then a few hours later, the internet was working again! (much to my sister's and mum's irritation) This isn't the first time it has happened cos the other time my internet was down, after calling the technician, everything was back to normal (so weird)

****** knows shyt. it was so awkward.

First, Rachel to me that ****** knows (extremely shocked)

Then went to dinner (****** went along)

Next, i got a seat for everyone,

****** was the second to reach the table and said, "So Rachel told u?'

I nodded, said yar and sped off to order my food it was so damned awkward
Then ****** talked to rachel about it through sms, damn, how to face ******? it is so awkward just to look at ****** in the eye. Let alone talk talk to him about it. Shyt

Sunday, March 16, 2008

3 posts in one day

Incredible, i can actually make 3 posts in 1 day, reason being? the probs in my family are getting bad to worse m mom n sis quarrel pracitcally every week reminds of the quarrels my mom n dad used to have before they were divorced. OMG u should hav seen their quarrel. When is my sis gonna respect my mum, when is my mum gonna stop assuming things about me? when will she stop thinking that i'll end up like my sister?when m i gonna have a peaceful family under a roof ? when will i stop dreading going home? when will my life change for the better? When?When? When? thyanks a lot sis, just as my personal life isn't bad enough, u mess up our family. When my probs stop?! i need a listening ear! i need a shoulder to lie on. Someone help me problems are filling me to the brim. when will this house i say in feel like home? When will my sis wake up? Can i get over ******? I need help seriously. whoever is reading this pathetic post on my patetic life about a pathetic me who can't help himself, i hace a few choices for u on what to do
1. Ignore this
2. help me(at risk of wasting ur precious time)
3. Come over to me and wake me up and give me a serious trashing about life 101

I have just wasted ur time on crap.

I'M GONNA CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



******(I NEED TO GET OVER ******)


Last day of holidays

hoho it's the last day of holidays and i still haven't started on me holiday hw! Went to sch to paint the sets for the musical yesterday, actually had fever but went down so i went to sch. Painted until 3 something then went to amk hub with dennis siti and rahimah to look for sean james syafiq n nicole. ames misplaced his mp3 n handphone. but it turns out sean n syafiq actually kept it for him . then i remarked: "The only thing James can remember is a pretty girl and everything about her eg. her face, her figure, her number etc etc. Then went to library, read books until 7pm then went home. went home with dennis rahimah and siti. When i reached home imy fever came bakc so i took another cold shower ate dinner, took medicine and then immediately crashed into bed.

should i tell ******?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy day today!!!

Actually had a class reunion today but it clashed at the same time with a last minute drama club gathering so i had trouble deciding which to go to. It was so awkward..... At the last minute, i went for drama club gathering, much to 6E's annoyance. But i can't help it, i'm more attached to sec sch than pri sch. Played time crisis 4 then ate lunch, (got to sit on ******'s chair! YAY!). Then go watch Water horse, **** at first didn't want to go, (sad) but later appeared in the theartre(yay) actually had a chance but then changed seats with sean so didn't get a chance to sit next to ******(boo) But we drank from the same straw though(yay!) After the movie, James realised he lost Sean's PSP(uh oh) and wasted 1 hr looking for it . In the end it wasn't found (poor Sean!) Then went to the basement to snack and slack. then went up to the NEBO upstairs to eat. James ate a burger and nachos and all of us ate ice cream(couldn't finish) got to sit at the same table with ******(woo hoo!) Dirty talked a bit with the rest. Then went to McDonald's with Seanm n James to snack n slack somemore. Talked n talked had a few laughs. Today was a fun day.

should i tell ****** at all?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Damn it, i'm supposed to be celebrating alvin's birthday with my firends right now but here i am venting my anger here cos my mum wouldn't let me go. god, i wanna be 21 yrs old. she gave me bull shit excuses that it was far away. that it's very late and that i'll be very tired and kept insisting i was tired when i wasn't . She always likes to assume things about me all day long, she dosen't give me the freedom she gives my sis. When i said i wasn't tired she kept insisting i was and said that if i continued insisting that i wasn't tired, she wouldn't let me go, so i shut up. In the end she still didn't let me go cos she said the venue was very far. For heaven's sake, i have friends that live further away and their parents have no objection. what's more, they ask their parents last minute. I asked my mum 1 day before! Damn. she's a great mum but sometimes she just sucks!!!!!!!!Now whenever she talks to me, it's either to ask what i wnat to eat, what to drinks, have i done my home work, have i done my etc stuff. or just to nag or scold me, she rarely engages in conversations with me, when i start a conversaton, she just ignores me and dosen't reply.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


The march sch hoildays are here, time to stone again. Luckily there are rehearsals for the school musical for mon tue wed fri so i won't be stoning that much. I don't feel like doing hoilday homework. i still can't believe mas selamat escape, what is the world coming to?!
I have like completely nth to do besides holiday homework which i already said tht i dun wanna do, so some1 give me something interesting to do!

To the person i like,
Of all pepople to have a crush on, it has to be you, i want to let go of u u but i just can't. y do things have to be like this?.................................