Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Damn it, i'm supposed to be celebrating alvin's birthday with my firends right now but here i am venting my anger here cos my mum wouldn't let me go. god, i wanna be 21 yrs old. she gave me bull shit excuses that it was far away. that it's very late and that i'll be very tired and kept insisting i was tired when i wasn't . She always likes to assume things about me all day long, she dosen't give me the freedom she gives my sis. When i said i wasn't tired she kept insisting i was and said that if i continued insisting that i wasn't tired, she wouldn't let me go, so i shut up. In the end she still didn't let me go cos she said the venue was very far. For heaven's sake, i have friends that live further away and their parents have no objection. what's more, they ask their parents last minute. I asked my mum 1 day before! Damn. she's a great mum but sometimes she just sucks!!!!!!!!Now whenever she talks to me, it's either to ask what i wnat to eat, what to drinks, have i done my home work, have i done my etc stuff. or just to nag or scold me, she rarely engages in conversations with me, when i start a conversaton, she just ignores me and dosen't reply.

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