Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New goal

I have an announcement to make, 

I have setted a new goal for myself.

This time, it's a goal that I can achieve, unlike those old ones I set for myself (refer to old posts)

My new goal is to pollute a very close friend of mine. It's gonna be sooooo fun.

Sunday, March 29, 2009



Saturday, March 28, 2009


A phone call with a friend made me write this.

Ever been back-stabbed by a friend and wondered why you got back-stabbed? Ever wonder why everyone can turn against you for the slightest mistake? Ialways asked myself these questions and I slowly got the asnwers.  All the politics and mind games happening around is so vexing. I miss the days in primary school where everything was done without a care and knives were not thrown at you from all directions. In seconday school every action an affect one's social standing and must be thought through clearly. 

When we do something in secondary school we must always consider these:
Will it embarass us?
Will it make us unpopular?
Will it ruin our lives?
Will it offend people?
Will people likeit?
Will they pay attention?
Will the desired outcome come about?

Screw politics.


I need to be more tolerant with people. The world dosen't revolve around me. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

I shall just post

I have nothing to do so I'll just write something.

Firstly, School, Jiamin was absent today, I thought she was sick or skipped sch or something. BUT, it turns out that she got stuck in the lift!! Omg, I hope she's okay. 

Found out that Seng Jung changed his blog url to something scandalous and very daring. However, it was the corniest way to get the attention of JY. Seriously, ho does he even think he is, JY's boyfriend?

Yeah Yeah, you can say I'm in no position to judge cos love has no bounds blah blah blah. But I just judged it, so suck it up.

I really hope things will get better for me in 305, still feel kinda distant from my classmates despite being in the same class for almost 3 months. Besides those from 207, I only trust a few people in  the class. I guess things will improve by the end of this year, RIGHT? RIGHT? RIGHT?

Starting to miss the people from the debate team, I miss the times there. 

Homework is piling up because of my reluctance to do them. Must-do-HOMEWORK!!!!!

I hate my hairstyle now, it is sooo ugly, I feel like shoving double cheeseburgers down my throat till I choke to death EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE THEM.

Gosh, I sound like an irritating emo teen.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Oh, hello, can't see you

I'm finally updating my blog!!!! I know you've been dying for me to update this right?  *act bhb* 

Let's start this post from Friday shall we?

Nothing significant that I could remember happened during lessons, let's skip to after school shall we. Mr Neo and Ms Djie were giving out our report cards and when Ms Djie called out my name, I rushed over to get my report card. Shetold me I was good at English and Science but needed to buck up at math and chinese. I took my report card, shaking with excitement, with beads of perspiration dripping from my head. This was what my grades were.

English                  74.7     A2
Maths                   48.0     D7
Chinese                40.0    E8
Comb Science      79.2     A1
Comb Humans   50.0     C6
POA                     58.0     C5
F&N                     60.0     B4

I FAILED MY MATHS BY 2 MARKS!!!!! KNN!! Must work harder!!! I was pleased with my A1 in science, I was disappointed I failed Chinese and quite relieved to pass Poa , Comb Humans And F&N. I was definitely irritated that I was 0.3 marks away from and A1 in English and upon Closer Inspection, I realised I topped English!!! I FREAKING TOPPED ENGLISH!!!!


Now people are gonna call me a show-off, but I can't really be bothered because it's flaunt it or lose it.  Then had debates, while getting ready, Korin and I had a karaoke session, singing to Chinese songs. We prepared then headed to Unity Secondary, which was the venue. I was super confident, contrary to the adjudicator's belief. I just shot rebuttals, I was barely reading off a script(I didn't have one). In the end, we won the debate!!! WE WON!!! However, it's 2 loss 1 win, so we can't go to the next round. Well, it's all about the experience right?

Went home, memorised my lines, then went sleep.

PERFORMANCE AT Catholic High! I was damn afraid I would get my lines wrong, and I really DID!!!! I missed out a whole line!!! Then went to eat, I swear to always think twice before going anywhere to eat. Pastamania was $$$$.

nothing significant that I could remember.

HPB competition! My team was second to complete our work! I hope we get through. Found out something scandalous, then went for drama.

Bought costume

Drama Rehearsals!!!!!

Rehearsal at ACS Barker. I really need to buck up, I'm the weakest link right now.

Slacked at home

And I just found out that anyone can stab you in the back, your friends may not be what they seem to be, watch out. This rule especially applies to ugly and attention-seeking people.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I got back my maths common test only to be struck be disappointed, I got 9/20 for the test!!!!! I failed my common test!!!! I just passed my First common test and my other 2 class tests, at this rate, I'l fail my Maths, AGAIN! On the brighter side, i'm passing my F&N and I just have to pass my next test to pass CA1. I got 27/30 for my Chem test, second highest in class, pure shiokness. I have Physics test and Chinese test tomorrow, hope it won't be too tough.

On a ransom sidenote, those who watch gundam 00 rejoice!!!!!! NENA TRNITY IS DEAD!!!!!! THE WRITERS FINALLY KILLED HER OFF!!!! WOOO!!!! I hated that B*tch since the first episode she appeared in. I hated her even more when she killed Louise family although the family was innocent, which caused louise to lose pat of her right arm and drive Louise and Saji apart.

I was cheering when Louise killed Nena in battle, Nena finally got what she deserved. But it was quite sad when louise went crazy and brokedown later, she got her revenge but it couldn't bring her family to life. So sad :(