Sunday, May 17, 2009


Malaysia got swine flu!!!! Shit, it's definitely going to spread to Singapore now. Must be prepared. DO NOT PANIC!!!!

Watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy,  DAMN touching!! Damn saddening. DON'T LET GEORGE DIE!!!! OR DON'T LET IZZIE DIE. Although I think George will die because T.R Knight is leaving the show. BUT IZZIE CANNOT DIE, IT'LL BREAK ALEX'S HEART. 

On the other hand, it's quite weird that no one realised George was missing the whole day and didn't realise the John Doe was George. (For those who fail English, a john doe is someone with an unknown identity, female version is Jane Doe) In this case, they did not recognise George because he was badly scarred. They didn't realise the patient was George until George wrote "007"(his nickname) on Meredith's hand. Meredith totally freaked out.

Meredith's monologue at the episode was so touching. It went like this:

Did you say it?
"I love you"
"I don't ever wanna live without you"
"You changed my life"
Did you say it?
Make a plan
Set a goal
Work towards it
But every now and then, 
Look around
Drink it in
Thus, this is it
It might all be gone tomorrow

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