Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm shadowed by my sister

Seriously. I think one reason my blog's name is 'Life sucks terribly' is beacsue of my sister. Why? SHE'S MUCH BETTER THAN ME AND MAKES ME FEEL INFERIOR.

Yes.It's sibling rivalry, it's just that she's winning and she dosen't feel threatened. Here's an example.

Me: I feel like having one of those website meter thingys to see how many hits I have on my blog.
Sis: I still remember when i was using blogger (she's using livejournal now) , i could have up to 200 hits a day.
Me: WHAT?! 200??!!! i get less than 20! (i think)
Sis: And I had passersby telling me I had a nice blog.
Me: (thinking how to murder my sister)

List of ways to kill my sister
1. Strangling (Will leave marks, may fail if she gives a good resistance)
2. Stabbing/Slashing (Too bloody and obvious)
3. Poison (Too suspicious)
4. Hitman (I don't think Hitman's exist in Singapore)
5. Guns (OUT! Singapore bans guns, what am I even thinking?)
6. Push her down the stairs? (PERFECT, NO ONE WILL KNOW UNLESS THEY WITNESS IT, the police may think it was just a fatal accident)

Of course I'm not going to kill her. I'm just gonna have to imagine killing her.

Actually, it's not surprising. My sisters linguistic abilities were very good. Her report books featured good comments about her writing skills. I'm lazy to draw out examples for you.

Now for list number 2
Aspects in which my sister is better than me
1) She's in a better school than me
2)She topped her level in p2 p3 and p4
3) Speaks and writes better than me
4) not as mathematically-inclined as me (although her maths isn't much better)
5) Is a bit chio (minus the fats she gained)
More updates in this list in the near future

Now let's move on to summarising my day

Had Australian maths competition- Had major disagreement with my friends regarding the answer to the last question
Had history-Did crossword
Handed in my magnum opus. I spent hours doing it, and it impressed some of my classmates FOR THE FIRST TIME. (but the person i wanted to impress wasn't there) .
Ate a little doing recess(my appetite has dropped=( )
Had english home ec Ve and went home


Sunday, July 27, 2008


2pm- I'll do art later
4pm- I'll do art later
6pm- I'd better start art
8pm- MUST-DO-ART!!!!!
10.36pm(now)-I haven't done art

yesterday, while i was washing my hair, soap got into my eyes and i looked like Lelouch from Code Geass. Luckily it didn't last long

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Where is it?!

I'm exhausted.........


Thursday, July 24, 2008

The number 23

The Number 23!

23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

No, i'm not talking about that suspense movie called "The number 23", 23 is the magical number I need to get for my next arguementative writing in order to get an A1 for my English! (Altough an a2 isn't that bad). I will commit suicide if i get a B! And friend bitching temporarily appeared in our peaceful classroom. Come on man, it's not all that bad.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

School politics, wtf?

ok, we had a learning journey yesterday. We went to Singapore poly to learn more about solar technology because it'll be a part of our immediate future blah blah blah YAWN! I was the only one taking down notes among my class , 205 had lots of ppl taking down notes, they're so hardworking! Not like my class, slack , play and talk. W even viewed solar panels on their ROOFTOP UNDER THE HOT AFTERNOON SUN. I hope i grew tanner.

Our class was also way ahead of 205 when we were going to board the bus, yet we had to wait when the bus came. I thought the reason was because we weren't lined up properly and we were very noisy. As we were boarding the bus, we were right about to board when the bus driver wouldn't let them in AND JUST LET 205 CUT AHEAD and board first! (I know it's not 205 that's to blame for this civic-problem) . We waited for almost an hour our bus to come. (The driver's to blame) I'm not exaggerating about the time though. We really waited at Singapore poly for almost an hour. Later i heard the reason we had to wait it was all because there was a teacher with higher authority (bigger position) with 205. (I'M NOT BLAMING 205!) The teacher sort of abused his/her ( i'm not revealing the gender ) authority to get on the first bus although we were obviously there first.

I don't think it's very appropriate to use his/her power and make otheres wait. (Although he/she may needed to go for a meeting) But's it's still not right to across 41 people who obviously came before you. It's basic manners! 1st come 1st serve. It's this kind of civic unmindedness that makes Singapore a 1st world country with an un-first world attitude. Aren't teachers supposed to set a better example for us students? And there they are snatching buses from people? Talk about ugly. Politics is everywhere, Family politics, office politics, hospital politics and now school politics.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you haven't heard heard it wrongly. School politics is definitely a problem faced presently in the education system. Joined with problems like elitism, bullying, racism, sexism, gangsters/delinquents, these list of problems don't seem to end, do they?

Elitism is definitely present in the education system, look at those SAP schools and compare them with neighbourhood schools, just by looking at the building's structure, you can see a significant difference. In terms of architecture, paint and most obviously, SIZE. Comapre the facilities they have, There are schools with air-conditioning in every class, some with running tracks, some with olympic sized swimming pools. Why are they all different? Enlighten me on why we don't have equal learning environments? Don't those bigshot people always say, we are all equal? Then why is our educaton so different? Why are neighbourhood schools not given the equal amount of learning oppurtunities as the SAP schools?

Wait, if there's even inequality in the school? Who am I to even sart talking about the education system? There's even elitism and inequality my school. There's this incident that i heard from a friend in badminton. Here's what happened: The badminton team (although i'm not in badminton) was training for their competitions (with the hall booked already). Then the band just barged in to practise for their SYF (without booking the hall!) and the badminton team was forced to leave the hall. And due to a lack of training, the team wasn't up to standard for competitions and lost, unfortunately. And i heard that their funds were cut after that (WTF?!). But where did they go? I'm 80% sure where they went.


Thursday, July 17, 2008


Gosh, my blog is rotting again, okay, i shall revive it with a long post then.

I OVERSLEPT and woke up at 8.15 like that, smsed sean and corin to ask i f i should come to sch or not, then i remembered got cca so i went to school. I thought i was definitely going for detention but the security guard never sent me for detention!! WOOOO (SOMEONE GIVE HIM A PAY RAISE!!!) I missed english lesson. It was lit lesson, Mr Ali is so bleeding funny. but he said one thing that made me "dislike him"

Haikal: cher! Mr y. ur gay partner aar?(he meant it as a joke)
Mr Ali: so Kristopher sit beside u means he is ur gay partner lar?

(when i moved back, haikal hugged me [eww!!!!])

Mr Ali(dramatically) : please spare us of your intimacy (or something like that)

Mr Ali: u boys at the back very noisy leh

Me(quickly): When u say boys at the back, u're not including me right?

Mr Ali: (ponders for a second or 2) i meant all


(class laughs)

I AM NOT LIKE THOSE AT THE BACK!!! 我很乖的(chinese for i'm very well-behaved)!!!!!!! damn it!!!

Nothing that i can remember except that PE WAS DAMN FUCKING TIRING. I can also remember Project Work, we had to come up with a solar object that uses solar power to run (duh) . Our group was naturally the noisiest. (duh again) We came up with super wacky ideas like solar toilet bowl, solar microphone, solar haircurler etc etc. When Soong said solar toilet bowl, the whole group literally rolling-on-floor-laughing-out-loud-my-ass-off (roflolmao). Which attracted a lot of attention.

Dance, math test(flunked it), recess ,math, can't remember the rest
Someting happened that made the whole school leave their classrooms and watch
Got free drink

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm finally BLOGGING!

Okay, my blog is rotting, it's been a while since i posted a long post. So school has been the same, except we hate Ms Chua more that i did _l_ to her when she did what she did best: antagonising our lives.

Anyway, what has pushed me to blog is that i got REALLY OFFENDED by someone whom i barely treat as a friend now. I was walking with my besties to KFC for lunch (Donavon, Sean, Vincent, Bertrand, no prizes for getting it right) . Then 3 sec 3's joined us . One said, "Kenji, ************". Although it wasn't a vulgarity or an insult to my family members, i found that offensive.

Then my besties hastened their pace (dunno why), Vincent left and they increased their pace yet again. There now a huge gap so big that i couldn't see them across amk hub. i thought it was kinda rude to walk so fast so i smsed 1 of them to tell them it wasn't intentional to walk so fast and leave them behind. Then we waited for those 3 to arrive before ordering. While i was ordering, 1 of them came over and said "and you suck" when I finished ordering stuff. He could still smile! fuck ar, i oso never do anything to him.

I was obviously offended and pissed. It's just that I never really liked the person that caused me to be so pissed , not that i'm petty. Anyway, the sec 3's were in a world of their own and didn't notice but for my classmates could tell I was obviously pissed. then when the two sec 3's that offended me left, i immediately snapped and told them what happened. The 3rd sec 3 was quite clueless of what had happened.

I'm really starting to dislike those 2 sec 3's. Don't ask why, I'm not too sure myself.

okay, I have more to write but my writing juices have run dry.

I hid the sec 3's names on purpose.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Too lazy to blog

lol, i have lots to write, but i'm too lazy to blog, SOMEONE MOTIVATE ME TO WRITE!!!

Sunday, July 06, 2008


I suck as consoling people. I really suck at it. I just can't find the right words. I really feel damn lousy. I don't feel like saying what happened I'm not surprised A(the person i'm consoling) , got pissed by B . Cos i chatted with B . B is really straightforward and sometimes he dosen't think before talking, cos he's words really hurt sometimes (trust me). gawd.

I need a comp mic

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Macross frontier

For all J-pop lovers out there, (although i'm not really one) this is a must listen song!!! I keep replaying it but i can't download it. pfft

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I'm tired of it.

I'm tired, very tired, of your endless assuming of what I am, who i am, what i feel like, what is my mood. I'm tired of you correcting everything I do, such as the way i eat, the things i put in my school bag, how i wear my school uniform, how i walk ,how i stand, how i sit, how i read, how i sleep. I'm tired of you thinking I'll go astray, I'm tired of how you don't trust me, I'm tired of how you still treat me as a kid. I'm tired of how you think I'll go astray. I wasn't upset when you nagged at me just now, you just ASSUMED again that I was pissed off and was showing you attitude. I WASN'T SHOWING ATTITUDE. What is your problem anyway??? Damn it!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I haven't been updating for a few days already. I've removed edited the previous post so i don't get my parents into trouble. I DON'T WANT MY PARENTS IN JAIL!!! I LOVE MY PARENTS!!! (anyone that's a close friend or ever insulted my parents should know) Had an extremely tiring PE lesson. Anyway , I'll skip today's event's all the way to after school. I bumped into Eileen and Deena after the external (insert long word that i forgot) thinggy. Pfft, in the end i wasn't involved and my assembly was wasted! (I wanted to watch the performance) Anyway, we were walking to KFC to have our lunch, it's fun to chat with someone not from your class. Then some students from so-and-so school made fun of the way i talked just before i leaved (senses activate!!!). I almost flared up. (short-tempered right?) Then as Eileen, Deena and I left, those delinquents followed decided to follow and throw ice at us and jeer like your typical singaporean school delinquent. HAHA, very mature. Seriously, I'll never understand the forever immature, childish, irritating and insensitive world and mindsets of delinquents. Experts say that they have family problems an stuff, and it's because of their background that affects that.

Well, I'm sick and tired of it!!! Just because they have a miserable life, broken family etc etc. Dosen't give them an excuse to make the lives of others miserable right? What is their school teaching them anyway?

I really find the broken family thing stupid sometimes, I come from a broken family too, I doj't see myself going for piercings, tattoos, dyeing hair, breaking school rules or making the lives of others miserable. Parents plays a big role in this, if parents don't discipline their children properly, their children will end up like those delinquents.
(Warning:I'm gonna say something that may seem rude)
If you can't take care and discipline YOUR children, don't have so mnay children/ don't have any children. Because those people will be a nuisance to teachers, their classmates and may end up as a bad example for others. Maybe even ending up as murderers/rapists/robbers/thieves/arsonists/gangsters/loan sharks etc etc.

Just when my bad impression of the school was gone from my head thanks some very great friends i met there, the bad impression came back thanks to them. And what they did isn't very good for their school's reputation because it didn't have quite a nice reputation in the first place.

Imagine the amount negative comments I'll receive from people. =p