Thursday, July 17, 2008


Gosh, my blog is rotting again, okay, i shall revive it with a long post then.

I OVERSLEPT and woke up at 8.15 like that, smsed sean and corin to ask i f i should come to sch or not, then i remembered got cca so i went to school. I thought i was definitely going for detention but the security guard never sent me for detention!! WOOOO (SOMEONE GIVE HIM A PAY RAISE!!!) I missed english lesson. It was lit lesson, Mr Ali is so bleeding funny. but he said one thing that made me "dislike him"

Haikal: cher! Mr y. ur gay partner aar?(he meant it as a joke)
Mr Ali: so Kristopher sit beside u means he is ur gay partner lar?

(when i moved back, haikal hugged me [eww!!!!])

Mr Ali(dramatically) : please spare us of your intimacy (or something like that)

Mr Ali: u boys at the back very noisy leh

Me(quickly): When u say boys at the back, u're not including me right?

Mr Ali: (ponders for a second or 2) i meant all


(class laughs)

I AM NOT LIKE THOSE AT THE BACK!!! 我很乖的(chinese for i'm very well-behaved)!!!!!!! damn it!!!

Nothing that i can remember except that PE WAS DAMN FUCKING TIRING. I can also remember Project Work, we had to come up with a solar object that uses solar power to run (duh) . Our group was naturally the noisiest. (duh again) We came up with super wacky ideas like solar toilet bowl, solar microphone, solar haircurler etc etc. When Soong said solar toilet bowl, the whole group literally rolling-on-floor-laughing-out-loud-my-ass-off (roflolmao). Which attracted a lot of attention.

Dance, math test(flunked it), recess ,math, can't remember the rest
Someting happened that made the whole school leave their classrooms and watch
Got free drink

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