Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm finally BLOGGING!

Okay, my blog is rotting, it's been a while since i posted a long post. So school has been the same, except we hate Ms Chua more that i did _l_ to her when she did what she did best: antagonising our lives.

Anyway, what has pushed me to blog is that i got REALLY OFFENDED by someone whom i barely treat as a friend now. I was walking with my besties to KFC for lunch (Donavon, Sean, Vincent, Bertrand, no prizes for getting it right) . Then 3 sec 3's joined us . One said, "Kenji, ************". Although it wasn't a vulgarity or an insult to my family members, i found that offensive.

Then my besties hastened their pace (dunno why), Vincent left and they increased their pace yet again. There now a huge gap so big that i couldn't see them across amk hub. i thought it was kinda rude to walk so fast so i smsed 1 of them to tell them it wasn't intentional to walk so fast and leave them behind. Then we waited for those 3 to arrive before ordering. While i was ordering, 1 of them came over and said "and you suck" when I finished ordering stuff. He could still smile! fuck ar, i oso never do anything to him.

I was obviously offended and pissed. It's just that I never really liked the person that caused me to be so pissed , not that i'm petty. Anyway, the sec 3's were in a world of their own and didn't notice but for my classmates could tell I was obviously pissed. then when the two sec 3's that offended me left, i immediately snapped and told them what happened. The 3rd sec 3 was quite clueless of what had happened.

I'm really starting to dislike those 2 sec 3's. Don't ask why, I'm not too sure myself.

okay, I have more to write but my writing juices have run dry.

I hid the sec 3's names on purpose.

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