Thursday, January 29, 2009


Then next time you're in a bus in the afternoon or in the morning, or you have nothing to do in class or at home, just look at the sky, look at the clouds, it has a huge calming effect, the beauty of the sky and the clouds from the ground may not be as good as the ones in high places, but you just find yourself staring at it for a while. Great for stressed people. Try it!

Random side note: We need to talk, you know who you are.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

omg i'm screwed

i'm so screwed. You want to know why? Cos I have a fever of 37.9 degrees celcius and I'm supposeed to visit my relatives for cny.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bye Bye weekdays

I mentioned before that I suck at making decisions. I have managed to prove it. How?

I joined too many school activities and know my weekdays are gone!!!
Let's look at what my weekly after school schedule looks like last time.

Sec 1
Monday:  Drama Club from 3pm to 6pm
Tuesday: No activities
Wednesday : No activities
Thursday: No activities
Friday: No activities

Towards the end of  Sec2 it became like this
Monday: Drama from 3-6
Tuesday: Nth
Wednesday: Nth
Thursday: Choir from 3-6
Friday: Nth

Seems manageable right? 
Now in Sec 3, I have Drama on Wednesday for SYF, and debate team on Tuesday and Friday.
So my after school schedule looks like this:
Monday: Drama Club
Tuesday : Debate team
Wednesday: Drama Club
Thursday: Choir
Friday: Debate team

Throw in my InnoWits poject and poof! I have officially made myself a 大忙人(da mang ren,a busy man) . WOO!!! Bring on the work, I am ready to rumble!!!!

So if you see a guy walking around like a zombie, that would be me.

Recently, while I was at Amk hub with Simin and Hui Ching, my food had a disagreement with my digestive system, naturally I went to the nearest toilet I could find. 

To my surprise, I wasn't the only one who needed to poop at that time. 2other guys were already queueing for cubicles. 3 were occupied and one was under maintenance . So after waiting for 5 minutes or so it was my turn, to my disappointment , it was a squat toilet. I still had to use it cos I was dying to use the toilet.  Then I realised one thing, I HAD NOWHERE TO PUT MY BAG. The only choice was to place it on the floor, where it would be the breeding ground for god knows how many germs. The hook that they have on the back of the door was missing, some asshole must have yanked it out. 

So, to all you people, from know on, do not touch my school bag  cos it is covered with germs all sorts of germs you find on toilet floors. 

This raises an issue: Why do people still build squat toilets? Firstly, some people can't use the squat toilet with their pants on, like me , but it's much easier with a sitting toilet, you can leave it at your ankles. Secondly, some of us needs a place to place our bags, usually the hooks on the toilet door are missing for some weird reason. Who would want to place their bags on the floor which has come into contact with some of the dirtiest things on earth, which is also often wet. 


Talking about shit, it was them shitty that after the Chinese New Year celebration, I had no one to at lunch with, (YOU DIE ON WEDNESDAY SEAN , psk).  Luckily I bumped into Bertrand at a MacDonald's. We ate lunch and had a looong chat. Then went home after that.

I'm also starting to find it damn irritating I can't smile to myself when I'm at home, my mum goes berserk when she sees my smiling. I have no idea what her problem is.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Conversation killer

I have just learnt a new conversation killer, this simple 2 words can kill a conversation effectively, useful if you feel like brushing someone of before he/she can say more. 

Just say, "No time"

The other party (even if dumb) will immediately get the message and stop talking to you completely. It also functions well as a mood killer to the other party, talk about killing two birds with one stone.

If that sounds a little rude to you, you can try something like "Srry, no time, ttyl" to make it sound friendlier. 

Conversation killer #2.
Don't say Hello/Hi/Ello/Ni hao/Konichiwa

Just type a "?" or say "what?"

This will send the other party a message that you don't feel like talking. Why? Because you're so busy/pissed/upset or whatever you're doing . Totally a convo killer and makes you sound rude and unrefined. 

Put them together and you get something like this:

Pesky person: Hello
(You are busy so you try to sound uninterested by using "?" or "What?" instead of "Hello")
(Pesky person, however, is quite dim-witted and dosen't get the message, so he/she carries on typing/talking)
Pesky Person:Nothing much, just want to chat.
Pesky Person: I came across something interesting on the net.
(Before Pesky Person can continue, you unleash your weapon "No Time")
You: No time
(Pesky Person realizes that you are uninterested,probably gets irritated and closes the conversation if on msn, or walks away if in real life ).

Note! Sometimes Pesky Person may continue talking and ask questions like "Why?" or "Why are you so rude? Can't you put it nicely?". So it is advisable to walk away after using "no time".

Other conversation killers are similar to the ones mentioned, short answers , rude answers, not replying, talking too much, etc etc. 

Take note! It is not advised to abruptly end it rudely, it is more advisable to type it nicely but inserting a "Sorry/pardon me/ excuse me" or "ttly, ttfn, bb, brb," . Spelling the hole thing out makes it seem more sincere. 

Conversation killing is easy to pick up, I hope this short post has made it easier for you to kill unwanted conversations, irritate people and spark more blog posts like this.

DRAMA CAMP WAS AWESOME, shall blog about it some other day,

Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's finally Thursday, it's been a long week, sec 3 life is soooooooooo draggy. I have drama camp tomorrow, but it's not overnight. Looking forward to it.

James, please return my library book!!!

Went for choir today, my mum still has no idea I'm in choir. My legs almost broke, and I sounded flat at some parts. 

I have to finish my zuo ye, I have 1 page left.

I want to sleep. 
Craving for pasta in the white creme thingy.
The carton of milk is waiting for me, but I'm still not growing taller. I've seem to have stopped growing. And I'm only 1.78!!!! Just 2 more cm!!! 2 cm, 2cm, 2cm, 2cm, 2cm, 2cm!!!!! I wouldn't mind another 10kg while at it, I really want to gain weight, ( a lot of fat people must be planning my murder right now). 

So far, only 1 person noticed I have a new watch, which is Bertrand. 

I talked to my chinese teacher in Japanese. 

I keep scratching my head every 2 minutes as if it can remove the writer's block i am having right now.

My long pants are kinda baggy, maybe I should alter them.

I'm still craving for food.

I'm still having a writer's block.

James, please return my library book ASAP

The sky is black right now. 

I need $ for my lit file.

I will bloody drive a knife down your throat.

Is KayKay going to kiss Paul?

I'm being so random and I'm stil having writer's block.

ydoberabruoyffotignikcildnauoyrevollaetalocohcgniruopekilleefi <-- Guess what this means.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

207 posts

THIS IS MY 207TH POST! WOOO ! 207! I still write 2008 instead of 2009 and I still write my old register number in 207, I miss 207.

Anyway, more importantly, I have realised who I am, what I am, 


Think about it, I make bad decisions all the time even though I know I can make better judgement and people advise me not to do it. I make decisions that cause me to regret and suffer. I kinda like physical pain, (except the ones you get when someone hits you hard on the back) I let Haikal punch my arm about 5 times just for fun. I let people slap me for fun, I let people hit me for fun. 

I can't believe I never realised that.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

CCa orientation

Had cca orientation, the monkey suit was to small for me so I just wore the monkey hat, which made me look ridiculous. 

ok, i'm lazy to type

Before I forget again,

woah, cca orientation is starting in 7 hours and i'm not in bed yet.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Say you're my bitch!

After hearing Robin say , "Say you're my bitch."  on "How I Met Your Mother", I can't get that line out of my head, I have the urge to say it to everyone I see. It keeps going on and on and on. That little voice in my head keeps saying  " You're my bitch, you're my bitch, you're my bitch, you're my bitch, you're my bitch....... YOU'RE MY BITCH" 

I really hate my teeth, must-go-see-dentist! Must-get-braces! I look uglier than I already am when I smile . Then ther'e my hunching, I keep hunching, I may need to wear a back brace too! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 

Ugly + bad smile + hunchback of Notredame =  very fugly
 But then, if I get braces, it'll be:
Ugly + dental braces + spinal brace = still very fugly

But heck lar, if I can look good  for the rest of my life, I'd do it lar.

But then,  they're quite $$$ leh. How ah? Why must the price of beauty/vanity/a good smile be so $$$?

According to Wikipedia, countries like Sweden, Slovenia, Germany , Croatia and Denmark let patients under 18 GET ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT FOR FUCKING FREE, as it is paid for by their government's health care systems. 

Damn it! Why can't OUR country do that? We're a pretty kick-ass country, can't the government have some money set aside for this? 

sheesh, must be the SS homework that's getting me so agitated.

Ok, gtg finish moi SS homework!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

First day of school

Back to school! Here's a summary of my first day back at school.

1. Sister woke me up
2.Brushed my teeth, washed my face
3.changed into uniform (LONG PANTS!)
4. Munched my breakfast halfway before going out
5. Put on my new tight shoes
6. Walked to school while finishing my breakfast.
7. Reached school
8. Climbed 3 flight of stairs
9. Walked into 305
10. Chose a seat at the front and placed my bag there.
11. Went around to greet my friends and ex-classmates
12. Morning Assembly, met 3 people, Jacintha , Shakinah and jiaXing
13.  Realised that announcements are terribly soft at the back of the parade square
14. Went back to class
15. Met form teacher, Mr Neo and co-form teacher Mr Stephen Goh.
16. Went through timetable
17. F&N, our teacher is Mr Soh (Yes, he came back, I'm surprised myself!) , but he was busy with his Sec 1 class, so the F&N students got to slack! Chatted with Jacintha, Shakinah, Jiaxing and the new transfer student from Malaysia, Ian, who seats beside me. 
18. Chinese teacher is Mr Peng(I translated his name from Chinese, so I'm not too sure if it's correct) . Seems to be a nice teacher, and when he asked questions, the whole class kept quiet, no one answered.

Here's an example : 
Class: *silence*
Teacher: 是用来形容人的。
Class: *still silence*
Teacher:第一个字是  “记”
At this point, I start to get a clue of what the second word may be. Our teacher decided to give one last clue.
He Finally gives up and writes the second word.
Some of us laughed lar. But those from 207 definitely laughed cos 记人 sounds like Keejin's chinese name.

19. Recess! I spent half the time munching on m burger alone before I spotted a table with Zhen Ning and Weifang
20. Mr Rafi is my SS teacher, seems like an ok-ok teacher to me. Rachel told me he's a great teacher. So it puts me at ease for the moment.
21.Math lesson, math teacher is Mr Loh. I've heard that he's a good teacher, so I think I finally have hope of passing math. =)

My post must be boring you right? I think you're probably dozing off by now.

22.El lesson, as I mentioned before, my teacher is Mr Stephen G. He seems like a pleasant Old man teacher, with hair that looks like George Washington's David Marshall's and a "refined air" around him. He asked us this:

"What is grammar?"

I felt like I was in Primary school, I thought the question was an insult to our intellects or something. He didn't make a good impression to the boys to the left of the class. They twisted his words and sort off made a fool out of Mr G . Although not really very funny, there were a few parts that were funny,(wtf, I think I just contradicted myself) although it was kind of mean to laugh at a teacher lar. I sort of made a one-sided-bet to the girl behind me, Kai Xing(who btw,can speak some Japanese, I had a mini conversation with her) , that he'll flare up by the end of next week. We both thought that the poor teacher wouldn't last a year ad would be begging for a transfer.

Just when I thought he made a good impression, Mr G, who was pretty irritated by the interruptions in his class. He had the nerve to say that our class had no aim, no ambition , was useless , etc etc. Needless to say, my good impression of him went down the drain, got deep fried, mauled by dogs and got buried in a pile of dog crap. I wanted to stand up and give him a piece of my mind, verbally. but I didn't think it was a good idea, so I didn't say anything.

so I'll say it now,
Dear Mr G.
Excuse me, but doesn't mean some people acted like a fool in the class DOES NOT MEAN we are useless, have no aim and ambition in life and are useless. You barely know us and you are already passing judgment onto us. Yes, some of the students may be in the wrong, but that does not give you the right to judge 38 students and insult them. If you're say it's a lecture to make us respect you and motivate us and shit, it wasn't, and you didn't get our respect(Well, my respect). It is just like slapping us in the face and saying that it was meant to massage our face.

23.Then had a last minute meeting for drama meeting to plan arts trail.

*Random note, three's a crowd*

And I promised I'll mention my good friend Deena in this post. So I'll say this, :


*runs away in panic*

Thursday, January 01, 2009


I wish you a happy 2009! Look forward to more homework, more lessons, more hell, more bitchin, more backstabbing, higher cost prices and less pocket money! 

My first post of the year! I have officially done none of the things I wanted to do last year. And, I go out so seldom that my social life is now a concern for my mum, she says I really go out too little and I need to go out more. You'll probably be very sick of me saying this but, I-have-no-life. I recently started watching "How I met Your Mother" and it's quite nice, not Friends or The Nanny funny but I like the story line, and the 15-second-or-so opening theme is plain addictive .

You'll probably be scratching your head thinking that I'm some sort of chao ah beng mocking your mother, but I'm not. How I met your mother is an American sitcom. Not as funny as Friends but I like the storyline (although I've  only like, watched 10 episodes). 

Can't wait for Desperate Housewives, Gossip Girl and Grey's Anatomy, the christmas/new year break is finally over! Plus Gundam 00!

I was reading Xiaxue's old posts and came across a problem called the monty hall problem, it is so confusing, and makes you want to yank your hair out figuring the reason behind the weird solution.

This is what it is:
Suppose you're on a game show and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats(trap prizes) The car and the goats were placed randomly behind the doors before the show. The rules of the game show are as follows: After you have chosen a door, the door remains closed for the time being. The game show host, Monty Hall, who knows what is behind the doors, now has to open one of the two remaining doors, and the door he opens must have a goat behind it. If both remaining doors have goats behind them, he chooses one randomly. After Monty Hall opens a door with a goat, he will ask you to decide whether you want to stay with your first choice or to switch to the last remaining door. Imagine that you chose Door 1 and the host opens Door 3, which has a goat. He then asks you "Do you want to switch to Door Number 2?" Is it to your advantage to change your choice?

People will think that it makes no diff, but THERE IS. If you do switch doors, you will have a 2/3 probability of getting the car! I  thought it would be 50/50 BUT IT'S NOT! I'm lazy to explain since it's 3.21 in the moring so here's a video from you tube, hope it helps!