Saturday, January 03, 2009

First day of school

Back to school! Here's a summary of my first day back at school.

1. Sister woke me up
2.Brushed my teeth, washed my face
3.changed into uniform (LONG PANTS!)
4. Munched my breakfast halfway before going out
5. Put on my new tight shoes
6. Walked to school while finishing my breakfast.
7. Reached school
8. Climbed 3 flight of stairs
9. Walked into 305
10. Chose a seat at the front and placed my bag there.
11. Went around to greet my friends and ex-classmates
12. Morning Assembly, met 3 people, Jacintha , Shakinah and jiaXing
13.  Realised that announcements are terribly soft at the back of the parade square
14. Went back to class
15. Met form teacher, Mr Neo and co-form teacher Mr Stephen Goh.
16. Went through timetable
17. F&N, our teacher is Mr Soh (Yes, he came back, I'm surprised myself!) , but he was busy with his Sec 1 class, so the F&N students got to slack! Chatted with Jacintha, Shakinah, Jiaxing and the new transfer student from Malaysia, Ian, who seats beside me. 
18. Chinese teacher is Mr Peng(I translated his name from Chinese, so I'm not too sure if it's correct) . Seems to be a nice teacher, and when he asked questions, the whole class kept quiet, no one answered.

Here's an example : 
Class: *silence*
Teacher: 是用来形容人的。
Class: *still silence*
Teacher:第一个字是  “记”
At this point, I start to get a clue of what the second word may be. Our teacher decided to give one last clue.
He Finally gives up and writes the second word.
Some of us laughed lar. But those from 207 definitely laughed cos 记人 sounds like Keejin's chinese name.

19. Recess! I spent half the time munching on m burger alone before I spotted a table with Zhen Ning and Weifang
20. Mr Rafi is my SS teacher, seems like an ok-ok teacher to me. Rachel told me he's a great teacher. So it puts me at ease for the moment.
21.Math lesson, math teacher is Mr Loh. I've heard that he's a good teacher, so I think I finally have hope of passing math. =)

My post must be boring you right? I think you're probably dozing off by now.

22.El lesson, as I mentioned before, my teacher is Mr Stephen G. He seems like a pleasant Old man teacher, with hair that looks like George Washington's David Marshall's and a "refined air" around him. He asked us this:

"What is grammar?"

I felt like I was in Primary school, I thought the question was an insult to our intellects or something. He didn't make a good impression to the boys to the left of the class. They twisted his words and sort off made a fool out of Mr G . Although not really very funny, there were a few parts that were funny,(wtf, I think I just contradicted myself) although it was kind of mean to laugh at a teacher lar. I sort of made a one-sided-bet to the girl behind me, Kai Xing(who btw,can speak some Japanese, I had a mini conversation with her) , that he'll flare up by the end of next week. We both thought that the poor teacher wouldn't last a year ad would be begging for a transfer.

Just when I thought he made a good impression, Mr G, who was pretty irritated by the interruptions in his class. He had the nerve to say that our class had no aim, no ambition , was useless , etc etc. Needless to say, my good impression of him went down the drain, got deep fried, mauled by dogs and got buried in a pile of dog crap. I wanted to stand up and give him a piece of my mind, verbally. but I didn't think it was a good idea, so I didn't say anything.

so I'll say it now,
Dear Mr G.
Excuse me, but doesn't mean some people acted like a fool in the class DOES NOT MEAN we are useless, have no aim and ambition in life and are useless. You barely know us and you are already passing judgment onto us. Yes, some of the students may be in the wrong, but that does not give you the right to judge 38 students and insult them. If you're say it's a lecture to make us respect you and motivate us and shit, it wasn't, and you didn't get our respect(Well, my respect). It is just like slapping us in the face and saying that it was meant to massage our face.

23.Then had a last minute meeting for drama meeting to plan arts trail.

*Random note, three's a crowd*

And I promised I'll mention my good friend Deena in this post. So I'll say this, :


*runs away in panic*

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