Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bye Bye weekdays

I mentioned before that I suck at making decisions. I have managed to prove it. How?

I joined too many school activities and know my weekdays are gone!!!
Let's look at what my weekly after school schedule looks like last time.

Sec 1
Monday:  Drama Club from 3pm to 6pm
Tuesday: No activities
Wednesday : No activities
Thursday: No activities
Friday: No activities

Towards the end of  Sec2 it became like this
Monday: Drama from 3-6
Tuesday: Nth
Wednesday: Nth
Thursday: Choir from 3-6
Friday: Nth

Seems manageable right? 
Now in Sec 3, I have Drama on Wednesday for SYF, and debate team on Tuesday and Friday.
So my after school schedule looks like this:
Monday: Drama Club
Tuesday : Debate team
Wednesday: Drama Club
Thursday: Choir
Friday: Debate team

Throw in my InnoWits poject and poof! I have officially made myself a 大忙人(da mang ren,a busy man) . WOO!!! Bring on the work, I am ready to rumble!!!!

So if you see a guy walking around like a zombie, that would be me.

Recently, while I was at Amk hub with Simin and Hui Ching, my food had a disagreement with my digestive system, naturally I went to the nearest toilet I could find. 

To my surprise, I wasn't the only one who needed to poop at that time. 2other guys were already queueing for cubicles. 3 were occupied and one was under maintenance . So after waiting for 5 minutes or so it was my turn, to my disappointment , it was a squat toilet. I still had to use it cos I was dying to use the toilet.  Then I realised one thing, I HAD NOWHERE TO PUT MY BAG. The only choice was to place it on the floor, where it would be the breeding ground for god knows how many germs. The hook that they have on the back of the door was missing, some asshole must have yanked it out. 

So, to all you people, from know on, do not touch my school bag  cos it is covered with germs all sorts of germs you find on toilet floors. 

This raises an issue: Why do people still build squat toilets? Firstly, some people can't use the squat toilet with their pants on, like me , but it's much easier with a sitting toilet, you can leave it at your ankles. Secondly, some of us needs a place to place our bags, usually the hooks on the toilet door are missing for some weird reason. Who would want to place their bags on the floor which has come into contact with some of the dirtiest things on earth, which is also often wet. 


Talking about shit, it was them shitty that after the Chinese New Year celebration, I had no one to at lunch with, (YOU DIE ON WEDNESDAY SEAN , psk).  Luckily I bumped into Bertrand at a MacDonald's. We ate lunch and had a looong chat. Then went home after that.

I'm also starting to find it damn irritating I can't smile to myself when I'm at home, my mum goes berserk when she sees my smiling. I have no idea what her problem is.

1 comment:

The Talking Tree said...

Oh god. I.. wouldn't leave my bag on the floor. Go find upstairs toilet la!