Friday, December 26, 2008

my 200th post

Woo! My 200th post, never thought I'll write my 200th post. Merry belated Christmas and happy boxing day! Today also happens to be the due date of my 3 library books, and I haven't finished reading The adventures of Tom Sawyer. Is is such a drag,  it's difficult to understand the dialogue of the characters because they all have a country accent when they speak, and I find myself reaching towards the dictionary half the time. I never knew the word "lick" could also mean to hit or to beat something. And evening can mean AFTERNOON. As I said before, the characters have a thick country side accent that will make Singaporeans like me scratch my head in confusion just to comprehend what they're saying. 

Here's one example when Aunt Polly was scolding Tom:
"Umph! Well, you didn't get a lick amiss, I reckon. You'd been into some owdacious mischief when I wasn't around, like enough." 

Here's how one of the characters, Jim speaks:
"Can't, Mar's Tom. Ole missis she tole me I got to go an' git  dis water an' not stop foolin' 'round' wid anybody. She say she spec' Mar's Tom gwyne t0 ax me to whitewash, an' she tole me go 'long an' 'tend to my own business - she 'lowed she'd 'tend to the whitewashin'. "

Can you understand what he meant?

Overall, it's just about a young boy's adventure with his friends and how they have a good time and stuff. Not the kind of book I like. I'd rather read 21st century teenage fiction. With all the humour, teenage heartbreaks/drama, crushes, back-stabbings etc etc. I doubt I can bring myself to finish the book.

I bought my razor the other day and shaved away my 14-year old moustache, there barely is a difference and I was afraid I would cut myself by accident, like you see in tv. (I didn't cut myself). I bought my books, I only have to buy "To kill a mocking bird" and my chemistry book and some english subject related book. Haven't bought my new uniform, MUST BUY UNIFORM. 

Went out with my mum,dad ans sis the other day, we went to this Japanese food court to have our early dinner. I love omelete rice!!! I love seafood omelet rice!!!

I wonder, do people still read my blog? I don't have my tagboard so I don't know. Well, on the bright side, if more people don't read it, I won't be shy to insult people on this blog, since they don't read it. (But the fact that G, H, K and Y flamed my blog after a certain offensive rant contradicts this point.....)

Happy last week of holidays people!

I have done none of the things I wanted to do by the end of the year.... 
I think I've stopped growing!!! I'm still 1.78 cm!!! And I definitely didn't gain weight. The cartons of milk gone to waste!! (I heard you need vitamin D to absorb Calcium, I haven't gotten much of that, I've been rotting indoors!)

Number of times I went out of the house (buying takeaways for dinner and cca not included)
Library, 2 times
Watch show at esplanade 1 time
Went out with friends 1 time
Went out to buy books, 1 time
Went out with family, 2 times
Movies , 0 times ZERO, ZILCH , NADA( I have noooo life)
Went overseas , 0 times (duh,like I ever will)
Total number of times went out, 7 times. 

It is official, I have wasted my holidays and I am a loser with no life that will continue to rot in self-pity.

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