Saturday, May 31, 2008

I think i have bad singing.

I seriously think i have bad singing, although people say i sound nice, i think i sound like Singapore's William Hung.

Final day of workshop

Woke up early to meet Ayu Ezra and Dian too go there earlier to get ready,. Ayu called me 15 minutes earlier then i asked her too........... Took the same bus as dian to go to YCK mrt , then met up with ayu. Bumped into Aruna n Hadi, we chatted, we waited for Ezra from 7am (the meeting time) to 7.56am. Which is the time he reached. We were LATE. Then got changed into our costumes, the girls cheered for me when they saw me. =) Then Ayu n Dian styled my hair, the girls said i looked handsome (WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!) Rehearsed n reahearsed, watch Ezra rehearse, damn funny lar. We did the recording, we had a few mess ups and Ayu was super emo cos of fear of what her bitch teacher would say ( i dislike her too, she's like Ms F, Drama ppl will noe ). We cheered her up, IT WAS SUPER DIFFICULT!!! We then had our final performance, (although it was nth much). I like, got a pretty loud ovation when they were giving out the certs. Ayu n Dian screamed, " KENJI!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!" lols. They were joking lar, of course. We forced ayu to take a group pic with us, (That Ms Ng form YCK sec is super funny). Then went over to the bubble tea shop opposite yck sec, which was near mayflower primary n the primary sch memories started flooding back. Then went home with Ayu n Ezra, I talked on the phone with her later but my phone battery went flat halfway through ( i panicked lar, cos i was giving her advice on how to tackle her situation n it was the serious part.)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Akazukin ChaCha - Kimi Iro Omoi

this song brings back tons of memories lah!!!

pics part 3

See? Magic! The ring box sticks to my finger
Something i saw at a void-deck
Taken from YCK mrt while Ayu n Ezra were waiting for their train
I LOVE TUNA!!!!!!!!!
Graffiti (not by me, duh!)
Edgar, he looks weird/ugly in the photo but who cares? *shrug*
me n ayu
me and michelle(yck)
me,after Ayu and Dian styled my hair, Handsome rite?
group photo!
top row from left: Michelle, Nicole, Me
bottom row from left: Karesia, Sherly, Ayu
It's super difficult to get a photo of Ezra cos he's camera shy
Another group photo
somethin i saw near jack's place
Right next to it was this.
the water spill looks like an umbrella right?
"giraffes" i saw at amk mrt
I wish i were that tall . LOL! jking, but i wish i were taller lar
Ayu n Ronald MacDoanld
Fir n Ronald MacDonald
I almost fell into a drain to get this pic
Tian Ci n Michelle playing with each other
Tian Ci n Michelle look like a couple (i heard they are a couple)
Tissue paper sticks to his back????
Ezra during practise
Macdoanld smokes (cigarette butt in between index n middle finger)
Me and Ronald MacDonald
Michelle (Yck)
lol,I really love to take pics of everything.


Shit, i wanna post pictures but blogger's failing on me, fuck.

Day 3 of the course
Went to yck mrt station to meet Dian, Ayu and Ezra(macho-handsome-cute-hot guy in previous post) then go to the workshop together, what i didn't realise was that Dian was taking the same bus at the same bus-stop until we got off we YCK interchange. Met Ayu and waited for Ezra. We blast talked on the steps. Then Ezra came n we headed off, he was sooooo quiet. Which makes him kinda cuter than he already is. (lol, that sounded gay) We talked more on the way there. We arrived there and immediately went to our groups, brushed up our performance, and the singing. Camwhored with the girls a hell lot!!! They say i'm cute. (I'm over the moon !) Finally, girls that like me, YAY!!!! I don't mind switching them with girls in my class. Edgar (the anderson boy from the previous post) is soooo irritating, he thinks he's always right. bares no respect for others, irritates everyone, although Ezra seems to be able to tolerate him. So i tried to be his friend n started taling about Bleach since he kept trying to (unsuccessfully,unfortunately) to imitate Kuchiki Byakuya. (lol, Byakuya is much more hotter, cooler, muscular, n most importantly, TALLER) in the end, we kept debating about Zaraki Kenpachi that we started semi-quarrelling semi-debating.

Then he asked me, "Who do you is no. 1 espada?"

I replied nicely, hiding my hatred for that idiot-child with a smile, trying to apply everything i learnt in drama to fool him, " I think it's Barragan, followed by Stark, followed by Halibel.".

Then that think he very smart beansprout said , " I and my friends(his English is so "pro") think that stark is second, followed by the old guy (Barragan) then Halibel."

I gave face that read " I disagree" and said "Ok..., but that kinda dosen't make sense to me."

He replied in a I'm-right-and-you're-wrong manner, "Yah, u said 'you think so' " and walked off.

Karesia was trying to chill me down. i soooooo wanted to strangle that no-social-skills-idiot until his head fell off, force a butcher knife into his sternum,n force his ribcage apart, then pour highly-concentrated hydrochloric acid onto his heart and lungs, watch him scream in pain for mercy (if he's still alive). Then rip out his lungs and heart, slice and dice them with the butcher knife, behead him, then burn the rest of his body and watch in pleasure as it burns to soot black crisps. Then i'll send his head, diced up hearts and lungs and his ashes to his family. ni I'm thinking, are his parents like that too? Not that i'm insulting his parents. But that kid dosen't have a strand of social skills or maturity. In short, i dislike him.

Back to the post, Me Ayu n Fir wen to macs to eat, we played on the swings first till me n Fir felt like vomiting. Then headed to Macs to eat, we talked and laughed a lot for like, 2 hours cos of the rain. Then we walked to YCK mrt station n told each other racist jokes. I then went home and led my boring life at home.

Day 4 of the course
I overslept, met Dian with at the bus stop, she had a cold so i gave her my tissue paper. We bumped into Hadi there, another anderson guy in the workshop. Waited for 72, when it came, it was soo crowded that there was no space for me dian n hadi. so we had to wait, luckily, there was another 72 but it was full too, then there was a THIRD 72, this one was empty. Like, wtf? Met ayu then walked to YCK together. Rehearsed near the piano and elevator, of YCKSS. Lol, the Yck campus is much better than Deyi campus. sian. I couldn't stand my finge so i borrowed michelle's hair clip n cliped up my fringe, the girls found it cute n took pictures of it. then rehearsed somemore. Played truth or dare, we dared edgar to chew his shoe and he really did, we were all absolutely digusted, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Did i forget to mention that he puts his pencil lead into his mouth? Rehearsed and crapped al ot,. The girls like me a lot!!! They say i'm the cutest guy there, while ezra is the most macho and handsome. lol, First time so many girls say i'm cute. Camwhored AGAIN. Then went for lunch with Dian, Aruna, Michelle, Diyana, Ezra and 2 yck netballers that i dunno but i still chatted with them. dian took 20 mins to persuade Ezra to eat lunch with us, too bad Ayu didn't go, bumped into Soong n hui Ching =( booo. Talked very long there, we made the most noise there. i spilled my coleslaw. Embarrassed myself. Then chatted and camwhored on the way home, saw "giraffes at the mrt station to promote the zoo, i thought they were real giraffes for a second. Then walked home with dian since we lived very near.

Deciding over the costumes is a huge chore, especially since i have a very small wardrobe! I need to revamp/expand my wardrobe!!! HELP!!!
I need: ( i think)
1-2 Vests
1 Coat
1 Skinnies
1 Trousers/long pants
2 Belts

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Random pics (part 2)

One of the 3 pieces of wood
half-way done
Finished!!! Look like chicken right? It's a phoenix.
Evolved form of bird's nest fern.
Diyan hair is sooooooo loooooong......
MR YEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Fridge magnets
The effect nice right??? I pro right, i dun care, i'm pro
Nice view
I like, can be a photographer

My 90th post.......Whoopie...........

Like, wow, my 90th post "fabulous" do i get a prize ? NO. but I'll strive till my 100th post. CHIONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, i haven't posted for 1 day did ya miss me??? (I guess not). Yesterday was the first day of the five day story telling course, ok lar not that bad, went with caiwen. Had to bring her there since she didn't noe how to go. We were scared to walk into YCK secondary lar!!! Then later met 3 other sec 1 from our sch. Saw an Anderson boy who i had an instant dislike on. Bumped into a friend in primary school, i remember him but he couldn't remember my name!!!! There were students from Orchid Park, Presbyterian high, St.Nicholas, Anderson, Yio Chu Kang(duh) .The session was quite similar to drama club. Me n Cai Wen told to the rest a story about Ms chua which received a lot of laughs. (Ms Chua can go into comedy business!!!) anyway, we were then split into groups, i got into this grp with 5 other girls (Nicole, Ayu, Karesia,Michelle,Sheryl) . We had to come up with a story with the 2 words "hideous itch". Wrote our draft, the ah lian in my grp was super *pfft*. A few girls asked for my number. Then got dismissed. Took a lot of random pics, fucking waited 25 mins for bus. Then popped by my mum's store n ate noodles. Brought home this wooden phoenix thingy that u have to assemble, super messy, super complicated, it looks like a rooster instead of a phoenix. Then crashed in bed and used comp at night.

Day 2 of the course, Deena went instead of caiwen cos caiwen couldn't make it. So showed her the way there. Today was much better, laughed my ass off with ayu, nicole n sheryl, we made the lines n inserted all sorts of songs inside, then while we were rehearsing, i did had to "propose" to a girl, so i knelt , did an action of opening a ring box and said, " Will you,.... (3 second pause)...... NOT MARRY ME??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone laughed even harder, I think my bladder almost burst from laughing, lol. The break was super funny, Diyan wanted to attract the atttention of the workshop's most macho-handsome-cute guy. And just shouted, "HELLO!!!!!!". I think it was super paiseh for him, she's so funny lar! She has SUPER LONG HAIR, it reaches her knees n she's kinda cute. N everyone seems to fall head over heels over that macho-handsome-cute guy. I'm jealous. But to tell the truth, he really is a bit macho-handsome-cute. Told our story, it was super funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

Took bus with Deena, bid farewell, bumped in to Min Ling, Min Ji and Corin, tagged along with them for lunch. Then went window-shopping with them. Walk around pasa-malam twice, went to jubille to use toilet n i saw something peculiar. On the door of the cubicle i was using, it said, " Call XXXXXX(name protected for privacy) for sex n call XXXXX/XX XXX for gay sex. I so felt like taking a photo of that. Then saw this old pervert that kept cleaning his glasses n looking at a guy pee,lecherously. PERVERT!!!! Walked somemore, i bought a waffle, walked to amk hub, just as we were talking about sean (forgot why). We saw them lining up for Bubble Tea. Went over to chat with them then I went home alone (boo)

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Ok, i noticed that my blog looks kinda plain so i decided to post some very random pics

My comp table
Donavon's Uno tower
My tower, Pro right? pro right? I Dun care, it's pro
Vincent's noob tower
Wat our towers looked like most of the time

Donavon's lunch
Sean's lunch
My breakfast
no prizes for quessing which bunk i sleep on
Mr Tan Jer Wei wrote this n i dunno how to translate

These taste super nice!!!!!!!
Ms Rachel Siao!!!
Ban Mian
VERY random right???