Thursday, May 15, 2008

My nihon-go is not bad

watched Bleach just now, but it was the RAW version so there were NO subtitles, I was kinda surprised at how much better my japanese is than before, cos i could semi-translate some parts to understand. LOL. i'm so proud of myself. I had difficulty hearing translating since my aunt was gossiping very loudly on the phone.

haizz, i pity Cher Sheng, the girl he likes is being snatched by a (insert minor insult for a guy). I'm feeling like telling that (insert insult) to back the hell off. Well, maybe i misunderstood but giving a girl u say u don't like anymore a present out of the blue when it's not her birthday is just plain suspicious.

Note to people who are reading, it's 20 more days to my birthday.

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