Wednesday, May 07, 2008

cheena paper

I walked in the rain this moring n got very wet. my shoes n socks are wet. My hair was super skpiky. i think my umbrella has a hole cos my hair got wet. Then had my chinese paper. I got my ass kicked thoroughly. Thenhad ting li . I helped don with his very screwed assesment book to kill time. The ting li was supposed to be yesterday but they printed the papers wrongly. lol. The tingli was super tricky. I kept changing my answers.

To the 206 girls: Shut up. For totally different reasons. Shut up about the cindy thing. I don't like her. I feel like pouring highly-concentrated hydrochloric acids down their throats. Then shove a grenade down their throat n watch sadistically as they blow up.N to Cherie: Shut up. i thought u knew to shut up when people expressed their annoyance caused by you. But u obviously haven't. Shut up about that ****** infront of other people when i really don't want to noe about it . R u born into earth without a brain? It's a wonder how u got into express stream. N how u even managed to graduate from primary school. Shut up.

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