Tuesday, September 30, 2008

shows shows and more shows

I now have 2 less anime shows to look forward to because Sunday was the last episode for "Code Geass R2" and "Macross Frontier". The ending was jaw-dropping for code geass! Lelouch, the protagonist planned his own death to bring peace to the world and he died in front of his sister, much to her despair. After that, everyone ends up happily ever after and C.C, another protagonist is seen talking to Lelouch's spirit. 

I rate the ending 4/5, it was kind of a fresh kind of ending, I have been looking forward to a not cliche ending for years, and Code Geass gave me the non-cliched ending I have always wanted!

The ending for macross frontier is your typical mecha ending, but with great songs from the series to accompany it. Although is sounded weird because the show's crew tried to put the whole series' songs in 15-10 minutes, using only a line or 2 for some songs. I give it, 3/5

I SAW THE TRAILER FOR DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES SEASON 4 ON CHANNEL 5!!!!! But the song they used was kinda crappy though, the one they used in America sounded nicer. I can't wait for the 4th season! But there's a new gay couple in the show, how's channel 5 gonna show it? And what took them so long to show season 4? They only show season 4 after season 5 started in America? I remember Singapore would only be about 5 or so episodes behind America when they were showing the other seasons, what's with the delay?!

AND GUNDAM 00 season 2 IS STARTING NEXT WEEK! YAY!!! I can't wait!

I know I'm supposed to be studying, but hey! I do need to relax a bit, right?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Very super a lot of photos


Lol, Like people so free go notice the sign, who would notice the sign? Wo would even bother taking a photo of it ? You can have a million of these and people will still jay-walk

This is what I look like now. I hate my nose, jaw and hair.
This is belle Koh's bag, and it's completely empty! (minus the file and pencil case)

Vermin to drivers.
Mother nature is dying

I have no idea what this has to do with my art theme.

More trees.


What's there to build!? You're killing the earth!
Lol, my mum is a HUGE fan of F1, she knows almost every racer's name and what team he/she is on(is there even a female driver?) . She's practically glued to the tv screen. she also can watch until very 激动 (ji dong) (excited).


WOOO!!! My dad's in Singapore! I went out to have lunch with him today! God, I miss him, I haven't seen him in a while. He looks older somehow, (must be the formal attire and glasses). We had lunch at sakae sushi , which I have to say, sucked a lot since I last went there. The sushi rolls tasted weird(probably cos it spent too much time on the conveyor belt) . The edamame sucked. EVEN worse, the bowl of tempura udon has shrunk A LOT! And they only gave 2 pieces of ebi, (which has also shrunk) , as opposed to the additional lotus, sweet potato and eggplant. Also ate sashimi, and this salad (forgot the name). I couldn't eat much, the food was bad. Then we went walking around, as usual, we went to a game shop to see if there were any games I liked.

In the end, we bought 2 games, instead of the usual 1 game. I got Harvest Moon DS Island of Happiness(which I think has the suckiest controls in Natsume's attempt to make good use of the touch screen) . The other game is BRAIN AGE 2!!! WOOO!!! It rocks . Brain age 2 is like, THE BEST! But I can't believe my brain age is 40+. I  even hit 60 at one point. But the games are soo fun, I'm bringing it to school to test some people in my class. Then see how "fast" they think.

My mum thinks dad bought 1, which was enough to piss her off, cos she thinks it's a waste of $$$ . If she finds out I got 2, I'll hear no end to her nagging. My sister called me a bloodsucker cos dad buys me a game everytime we meet. She complained to me how much she needs contacts. 

Saturday, September 27, 2008


no inspiration to blog! gimme something to blog about!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Woah! English paper was a breeze

Monday, September 22, 2008

things to do before and after exams

Things to do before end-of-year.
1. REVISION!!!!!
2. Stop using the comp
3. Focus more in class(although it's kinda too late)
4. Instill self-discipline in myself
5. Play after I finish revising what I wanna revise for the day
6. Get proper sleep
7.Stop thinking about the April-Fool and my bizarre dream

Things to do after end-of-year
1. PARTAE!!!!!!(party)
2. Eat and binge!
3. Play!!!
4. Slack
5. Take naps and sleep late
8. Learn a sport and play it well!!! (take the hint people)
9. Hangout!
10. catch a movie
11. Go Bowling again!
12. Learn to cycle

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I can just drop dead now part 2

WHY DID I EVEN SAY THAT?! grrr!!! He probably hates me now. I can just go and die from the guilt, AGAIN!

Why do I always regret what I say? when will the bone-headness stop? Can't I say the correct thing once?

I am sooooo sorry for what I said to you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This feeling can't suck any more. My recent dream bugged me so much I couldn't focus the whole day that I couldn't concentrate and I couldn't think clearly during my science test.

Seriously , is this an omen ? A sign that I shouldn't be obessed with my April Fool ? A sign that it's really impossible?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I hate that guy. Seriously. I wanna shove a gun into his mouth and blow his head to smithereens.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eat lunch

I absolutely HATE eating alone. Eating lunch alone is like cursing my parents in my face. I hate eating it so much that I'm starting to imagine that I'm not whenever I am, I would imagine that I'm eating lunch with my 3 new imaginary friends, theyre names are , " Me, Myself and I"

"Me" is always quiet and shy. He has low self-esteem, and he's always eating so slowly.
"Myself" is a polar opposite of "Me", he's loud, rude, vulgar, perverted, over confident, and so arrogant that I feel like wringing his toothpick-neck.
"I", is something like a balance between the "Me" and "Myself". Just add the both of them together and you get "I". I enjoy talking with "I". "I" undersatnds me the most, "I" can sometimes be irritaing like "Myself" though, but I learn to accept all of their flaws.


Actually I didn't really eat alone, I was later joined by Tian Tian. Although no the best person to lunch with, it's better than eating with "Me , Myself and I". She left later with her friends and I continued eating my fries with "Me, Myself and I".

Speaking of the MacDonald's Fries, They're extremely dry and taste really bad. They're, like really low-grade potato chips which are narrow and long. In my opinion, the standard of the fries have gone from bad to worse. I prefer the Mos burger ones, they're thick, not dry, and has that distinct potato flavour in it. The after taste that lingers in your mouth makes you crave for more until you finally finish the packet of fries, much to your disappointment. While MacDonald's fries make you crave for nothing but a drink to clear moisten your throat because a MacDonald's fry can cause a drought in your whole mouth and in your throat.


Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Yes, it's true, I'm botak, I had my hair shaved, I look like Mark Lee from 三个好人 ,except without the pock marks and with glasses.

I gave a lot of people very "hair-raising" surprises. My family was stunned when they saw my new haircut. They said I was crazy to have it so short, to make things worse, it costed 8 dollars.

So, I ran into Candace outside the school, and she looked SUPER SHOCKED. Her mouth was gaping.

Next was my class, when I walked into the classroom, a lot of people went ,"Oh my god!". So it kinda was like this:

The red things are the doors, I'm the black spot. By the time I reached spot "1". Quite a few people noticed my hair and said , "Oh my god". By the time I was at spot "2", I walked past Soong's group and it was their turn to go, "Oh My God" . By the time I was at spot 3, I received quite a lot of stares from a lot of surprised people. A lot of people asked why I cut my hair like that. To which I replied ,"Just for fun".

At assembly, more ,"oh my gods" and more " What happened to your hair?" and more " Why did you cut your hair like that?"

Mr Yeo even stopped walking to take a good look at my hair.

Fast forward to after School. Drama was as fun as ever, the sec 3 girls had the most exaggerated.
Ok, I've lost my patients to type. i'm ending this post, I'm moving on to the next one

Saturday, September 06, 2008


I got back my report book.

I passed Chinese!
I got A1 for science!
but I failed math.

This was a vague memory of part of a conversation between me and my sis
Me: I failed maths
Sis: What did you get for Science
Me: A1
Me: That's why I'm frustrated

I passed ART! I GOT A B!! I got B for lit (WTF!) I got A2 for home ec(not bad). I got B for History(NOOOOOO! This is a nightmare gone horribly wrong ).

Thursday, September 04, 2008

the lists

I've decided to make some lists

List things to do by the end of this year
1.Pass maths
2.Do better for Chinese
3.Pick up a sport (anyone willing to teach me?)
4.Convince mum to let me join choir( although I'm in it already)
5.Pass 2.4km run
6.Decide whether or not I want to join SL
7.Gain weight(muscle mass is preferable but I'm too lazy)
8. Hit 1.8m

List of things to do before graduation
1.Get a date and outfit for prom
2.Pass maths
3.refer to 1,2,3,5,7 of previous list.
4. Be 1.9m-2m tall
5. Kiss a girl

List of things to do before I do before I die

1. Go to Japan
2. Go to America
3. Pick up an instrument and play it well
4. Learn a sport and play it well
5. Get a tan
6. Keep shoulder-length hair for at least a month
7. Be more successful than my sister
8. Kill my sister if I fail goal number 7.(joking)
9. Speak and write fluent Japanese
10. Have a car
11. Get arrested for a crime
12. Get drunk and do something embarrassing
13. Be famous (not for breaking the law)
14. Be rich
15. Win something
16. Strike 4d/Toto
17. Speed Drive without getting into an accident or getting caught
18. Publish something
19. Turn hot
20. Get laser eye surgery
21. Correct my teeth
22. Lose my virginity

List of things I inherited from my parents
1.Short-temper - mum and possibly dad
2.Laziness - Dad
3.Acting skills - mum
4. Loud snoring - Dad

List of reasons I shouldn't like you
1. You're attached
2. We're like oil and water
3. Cos we won't be friends if tell you
4. I can't get you out of my head

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Blogger is shit

the new blogger layout is shit, I hate my blog now. I'll explain some other day, my sis wants to use the comp

Monday, September 01, 2008

Can there be a better best friend

Can there be better friends? I love them, I love my best friends! Maybe even more than my family. (my mum's still no.1). Seriously, I have been such an abusive best friend, I feel that I'm gonna burn in hell when I die. I owe them a lot. If reincarnation exist, they're gonna be reincarnated as rich and handsome and successful businessmen. And I'll probably end up being their lowly subodinate/ bodyguard / maid(touch wood)/ butler(better than maid), or if I'm lucky, I may be their abusive superbly supportive Best Friend with homicidal moodswings a positive, never-say-die, enthusiastic attitude beacuse the god of the underworld thinks that it'll be fun to give them another abusive fantabulous best friend like me.



followed by Soong Jia Min, Loh Simin, Tan Pueh Suan, Sui Hui Ching, Vincent Ling, and Bertrand Ong.

Listening to I'll be there for you (aka the opening theme song for FRIENDS)