Thursday, October 16, 2008

fail le lar

sfuth uoyfsbvnasbn kertguiweui

I have seen my papers and my SA2 results. I did very very well for English, I think I came in second or third , DAMN SHIOK CAN?! I did pretty well for Lit ,history and Science. The person who marked my science paper left out 10 freaking marks! I can't believe it! I PASSED CHINESE !!!!!!!!! I passed art paper, but failed my overall. RAWR. And as expected, I failed math. But I just passed Paper 2,  25/50. I got B4 for home ec (pfft, I got my finger scalded for nothing). 

Oh yeah, so after school, I went to have lunch with Sean and Donavon as usual. Kinda dampened by my mood swing again. Then got cheered up and decided to take the 136 bus with Don and Sean again. But as soon as I did that, I totally felt a familiar vibe. It was the....


The thought of getting off immediately came to my head. So I got off a few bus stops later. I hate the "extra" vibe. Sick and tired of being or even getting the feeling of being extra. Call me paranoid all you want but anyone who knows me well knows I hate feeling extra. No more 136 bus rides for me. Even though I may not be extra.

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