Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2 days at 1 shot

Ok, this post may be long cos i'm squeezing 3 days into 1 post. So, BEWARE OF THE LENGTH OF THIS POST!! DON'T READ IF U DON'T LIKE LONG BLOG ENTRIES IN SMALL FONT!!!

Surprisingly, i didn't oversleep on the first day of school (thanks to mum). Went to sch and i was welcomed with the warm and vibrant youthfulness of the school and my classmates.


Anyway i was super high to meet my classmates after a month. Jiamin(leo) gave each other our belated bday presents. I gave her a handphone pouch while she gave me a mirror.
(Am i that vain?????) When Weifang came in, my immediate reaction was this:
Me: WeiFang!!!
Weifang: What?
Me: YOU"VE-GAINED-WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, so mean of me to say something to a naive pubescent boy bent on losing weight. Then assembled in quad to sing national anthem twice. (Waste out time) Before they were introducing the new teachers, Vincent spotted a new male PE teacher who looked hot for his standard. I thought he was okay except for his face. However, the teacher didn't fail to make Vincent's hormones react and get attracted to him. Gosh , how many teachers must he go gah-gah over?
After english, We met our new lit teacher, Mr Ali. he's exactly like Mr Yeo. And is very funny. After recess, we had a new art teacher cos mr deryk's transferring/transferred to jurongville sec .

She was okay , an ordinary trainee teacher. we're doing paper sculptures for the next 5 weeks for art. Then we met our history teacher, Mm Norpipah. She's kinda funny and will not let u zone out in class. Then i won't carry on describing the day cos it's boring.


I overslept by 10 minutes, but I was still on time. I stupid stupid decided to take a bus which almost made me late. To make matter worse, i fell out of the bus when i was alighting, making it seem i was kicked out. Wtf, damn embarrassing. Had PE it wasn't soccer (YAY!!!!!) It was jogging (HALLELUJAH!!!) I seriously prefer jogging/running to playing soccer. History was next, had to memorise the meaning of the national anthem and write it, i made 1 mistake which i'm very sore about. Then had eng -math-chinese blah blah blah nth special. Had project work, (i prefer IT) and found out we're dealing with solar power this time. Then had assembly by the principal. Ate lunch with my 2 besties and walked to amk hub with them. While i talked with them i saw a senior i miss talking to so much, RACHEL SIAO!!!! We chatted a lot(i miss the days in the musical) Before we wandered around aimlessly like children seperated from their parents when we bumped in to Jaime Christina and Shalyn. Talked more went to the foodcourt but rachel went home (boo hooo). So they joined their sec 3 friends. I recognise 1 is Karen, the other is someone from band(i think) and a girl i find familliar that i don't know. The first thing she asked me was , " Are u Ellina's brother?"(vincent)


Candace came over too. Laughed a lot although i didn't noe them very well. then walked to a bus-stop with shalyn and christina to take 159. It is interesting to hang out with people from another class.

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