Saturday, June 14, 2008

To ban or not to ban plastic bags in singapore?

I came across an article in the straits times called "plastic bags, to ban or not to ban?"

I say we should ban plastic bags, Singapore is following other countries international efforts to lessen the amount of plastic bags used everyday by charging money for plastic bags every first Wednesday of every month. Which i don't think is getting to Singaporean's heads. A lot people would rather pay a few extra cents for a plastic bag rather than be caught with a recycling bag. (but i guess u can't blame them cos a lot of recycling bags look ugly) A lot of foreign countires are already banning plastic bags , Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, France and Zanzibar , just to name a few, are banning plastic bags, if they are banning plastic bags, why can't we? Don't give me crap like , "singapore is much smaller comapred to them." and " we have a much smaller population, it wouldn't make a difference" . Well, HELLO? reasearch shows that people use and dispose an average of 3 plastic bags a day.

3 multiplied by 4.59 million (singapore's population according to wikipedia) multiplied by 365 equals to about 5025 million plastic bags per year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i don't think all of them are disposed properly, plastic bags may clog up drains and breed mosquitoes, causing people to contract dengue fever and probably lose lives. Plastic bags dumped into water bodies may be mistakenly consumed by marine animals, resulting in death and probable extinction of their species. Turtles may mistake plastic bags for jelly fish and eat them, fish and seabirds may accidentally eat them. The plastic bags cannot be passed out and occupy the stomach. Making them starve to death.

Although they are incinerated at incineration plants, like i said just now, not all of them end up at the plant and may and up as litter on land, in drains, or in water bodies. But there are still advantages, it can generate electricity for use. And according to the NEA, the gas from incinerating is filtered and treated and stuff. So there's no need to worry about pollution.

I strongly feel we should ban plastic bags in singapore, Singaporeans need plastic bags even when they purchase items that don't require a plastic bag. And even ask for them even though they have a bag and the item is kinda small. I know this cos my mum works in a store, there are even more unreasonable things customers will ask for that I'm lazy to type.

Lol, y am i even typing so much? maybe i can be a journalist or something.

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