Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ms chua dosen't deserve her title

This is what happened today, Ms chua was checking the lis tof people who didn't bother to pay the $7 for the australina matematics paper. I was one of those who didn't pay cos my mum objected to it and didn't want to pay the $7. Reason being? Cos she founded it useless , and she isn't the only person to think so.

Anyway, I'm gonna rant about his for the rest of the article , split into a calmer one and a more vulgar one

The Calmer one:

Teacher's are supposed to act as a role-model for students , by snatching $7 out of a students wallet without asking whether he had enough money or not isn't what our role-modles shoudn't be doing in front of the young minds . Regardless if they like her or not because if they see an adult doing that, youths will tend to think it's socially and morally acceptable. As a HOD, she should have just aske dfor it and not have snatched away the money. what if the studetn had financial problems? What if the money was meant for something else more important than a math paper that dosen't contribute to your grades? Firstly, I have told her before the holidays that my mother has raised objections about taking the paper. And the woman that's supposed to be a role-model could call my parents weird for not wanting to know their child's standard among the nation. Firstly, she does not have the right or authority to brand people's parents with the word "weird". As a HOD, she should not have that kind of attitude or method of handling things. Snatching or taking something without he owners permission is otherwise known as stealing.

according to wikipedia, in chapter XVII:Offences affecting property in the

Penal code of Singapore,

Theft – Theft is committed when a person, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the possession of any person without that person’s consent, moves that property in order to effect the taking.The penalty for theft is imprisonment of up to three years, or a fine, or both. It is more common, however, for offenders to be charged with committing theft in a building, tent or vessel, which is used as a human dwelling, or for the custody of property. The penalty for this more serious offence is imprisonment of up to seven years, and also a fine.

HaHa. I can send you to jail.

The less clam version
*HEAVILY censored content ahead*

She HOD u think i scared ar? If I was in a bad mood hor, i would have fucking snatch my $7 out of that her and give her the finger. I should have went on and said," F*ck lor, now some old auntie take my money , now i eat wad? F*ck lar. Think she old i scared?I now eat wad? my sister how to eat lunch? i buy for her wan leh(actualy i don't often buy for her) . Somemore force people to borrow money to pay you. Screw you. You're supposed to set a good example , not some stwisted take-other-people's-money-just-beacuse-u-feel like-it example. I guess you're mentally unstable that u have to resort to taking your students money to entertain yourself right? Get a life! I've got my eyes on you. You watch out. I'll get you good for it.


I welcome you to read this, you anal-retentetive woman. The class has enough of your bull shit and your hypocricity. Especially the one shown during the PTM. I don't care if i get in trouble for typing this, i'll get even with you. I'll make you pay for this. How would you like if I take your money and leave you with $2.30 for your lunch and recess? I'll see how you can survive. I hope you read this. And if u wanna pick a fight, I'll give you one. Let's see if they side with me or side with you, old hag.

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