Sunday, November 30, 2008

can't sleep

I always try to fall asleep, but you just pop into my head and make my imagination run wild. Then the thoughts just keep going on and on for hours before I shut them out. Then I go through the same thing the next night. Just get out of my head already.

Curse fairytale endings.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

just great...

It's 2.28am, Don's probably on his plane to Japan now. Great, my best friend is going to Japan and me, a half-Japanese, hasn't even been to Japan before, I've never even been to Malaysia. And Sean's in Hong Kong. Ugh, sucks to have been in a country for 14 years and never have stepped out of it before. I probably won't be going overseas any sooner. I'll probably spend the rest of my life not leaving the country!! Then I'll be a 井底之蛙( A chinese idiom referring to an ignorant person who knows nothing) !!! My tombstone will say " Kenji, Never left the country"

Oh my god, I "love" my life.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Some of you know that I have this huge fear of jellyfish and I was once even made fun of it. ("thanks" Sean) So I decided to read up a little bit of information on it. It turns out that vinegar is a good cure for jelly fish stings. And that box jellyfish(the deadly ones) can be found in Australia. 

I am never going to Australia. (Why would I even go into beach waters? I can't swim)

At least I know what to get for Humphrey when he goes to Australia. (lol)


Me: Humphrey, I got you a farewell gift!
Humphrey: What?
Me: Vinegar! Cos I heard that jellyfish are common in Australia and vinegar is a good remedy for jellyfish stings!
Humphrey:     -_-lll

I don't think I'll be getting him vinegar, seems so not sincere.

And some urban myths state that meat tenderizers are good remedies for jellyfish stings...


Person who coincidentally has a meat tenderizer at the beach: Oh my! Luckily I brought a meat tenderizer !!! *Person uses it to continuously pound Victim's Chest*
Victim: OWW!!!!
Person who coincidentally has a meat tenderizer at the beach: I know the jellyfish stings hurt, but just relax!!
Victim: OWW!!! It's not the stings, it's-
Person who coincidentally has a meat tenderizer at the beach: I said just relax! Don't try to speak!!!
Victim blacks out
10 mins later 
Paramedics who just arrived at scene: It's too late to revive him, he has passed away.
Person who coincidentally has a meat tenderizer at the beach: That's too bad! Oh my god! His family will be so devastated!!*sobs*
Paramedic: Strangely, he didn't die from the stings, he died from continuous concussive force on his chest, do you which sick bastard could have done this?
Person who coincidentally has a meat tenderizer at the beach: Err... Oh! look at the time!! I've got to go....

But seriously, how many people bring vinegar and meat tenderizers with them to the beach?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm so happy

I'm SOO happy! I have become quote worthy! A friend of mine (Nicole from St.Nicholas), quoted me on her blog !! She and her friends thought I was funny!!! 


I am so elated! Soon, people will start quoting me more often and I'll be a famous blogger. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Suck it up losers.

Okay, I'm just being delusional here so no comments to discourage me, ok??!!! It's my right to be delusional.

I'm going to watch a theatre production later with some other drama members. Finally!!! The show was postponed so many times that it's comparable to the number of times Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears went to rehab(Wait, they went once only right? Ugh, who cares?). And Shalyn called me just now and I swear, she almost blew off my eardrum the minute I picked up the phone.

Monday, November 24, 2008

As promised, here are some of the the photos I took yesterday at the anime fest!!! (pardon the crappy quality and lousy camera skills.
There was a guy who made this cool ass Strike Gundam Model
Nintendo Ds stylus plush toys!
The Vincent Knightmare Frame.
Anbu guy, Rock Lee, Shino Aburame and Kakuzu from Naurto.
Someone cosplayed as a freaking Menos Grande from Bleach!
Couldn't get a clear shot of the person socplaying as Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier
C.C and Lelouch aka Zero from Code Geass!
The Vincent Knightmare Frame! Someone cosplayed as a robot!!
Characters from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! although I'm not too sure about the 2 people on the left of the photo.
Trans-am Exia!
There were pieces of paper for the people to draw on. Upon closer inspection, I saw this!

Chibi Miles Edgeworth!
These are the size of your head.
This Is taller than me!
Benjamin!!! With Mahou Sensei Negima!
Suzaku!!! with the Lancelot
Yuko nad watanuki from xxxholicI think this is Don Kanonji from Bleach.
I actually want to post more pics but blogger keeps f-ing up so I didn't post all ( refer to 1st paragraph, I said "some of the pictures".

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Anime Festival Asia 08

I'm such an otaku. (I only have to cosplay to be a full-fledged one now, which I'll probably never do.)

Went out with Simin and Michelle Chen to go to the animefest today, I had so much fun. Saw a lot of cosplayers! There were characters from Bleach, Naruto, Katekyo hitman Reborn, GUNDAM, (there was even 1 who dressed up as a gundam) Code Geass, Final Fantasy, Vampire knight and Macross Frontier, and more. 

There were toys, games, model kits and manga that cost too much for me. So I didn't buy any, but I did try a gachapon machine (the one wear you insert coins and turn the knob and get a toy inside an "egg"). I got a silver Pikachu on a stand and a strap thingy(I attached it to my bag). 

I almost forgot, we bumped into cher sheng while we were eating! He has his hair dyed now. Went backed and wandered until 6.30pm where the show started, there was this band that performed a lot of J-pop songs, the lead singer's voice was very nice. Then the next performer was May'n aka Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier, I can't believe she's in Singapore! I love her songs from Macross Frontier, but I couldn't stay for long cos my stomach was killing me nad I felt like puking. Probably the curry I ate. I took a panadol and I feel much better. 

Have super a lot of photos. I'll post them in the future


Yes. It's  5.12am and I'm still awake, I've changed my blog music to a song called Boring by The pierces, to suit everyone's mood, bored. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ok, as you all know I'm looking for a holiday job, so as I went shopping with my mum and my sister for clothes + sister's prom stuff. I stepped on a salted fish!!!! I was damn pissed can? I will seek out the bastard who left the salted fish there and shove him/her into a dungeon filled with nothing but salted fishes then skin him alive and throw him into a vat of acid. He will regret the moment he decided to just drop his salted fish on the ground! He will burn in hell for all eternity for leaving the salted fish there! And the kid that said, "EWW, so disgusting!" You watch out, no body publicly humiliates me, only I can do that!!! I will seek you out and rip your tongue out from your mouth and have you drink acid. Just you wait.

bought 2 shirts, although I promised myself not to buy black and white, I still bought black and white. It's like some curse!! The next time I but clothes, no black and white!!!

Then we passed by a mos burger outlet, I decided to muster up my courage to ask for a job interview, but when I asked the person, nervously in English, he cringed his eyebrows and said, "什么?" (what in mandarin) . I could also hear a China accent in it and I immediately repeated what I said in my very chopped up mandarin. But he replied,"对不起,我们 暂时没有请人."

I was damn disappointed

Monday, November 17, 2008


I wake up energized everyday only to rot at home. I have nothing to do, except my usual routine of using the comp , playing with my NDS and sleeping late. Maybe I'll go to the library. Then borrow some books to read for my book review. It constitutes 50% of my CA1 for English next year after all.

I'm just waiting for someone to ask me out. (Who am I kidding?! Who would ask me out?). Really wanna go out, but no idea who to go with(who would wanna go anyway?) or even where to go and what to do. Then there's the whole problem with money. GRRR. I'll just wait here for someone to organise some sort of outing. (This paragraph is a really desperate hint)

Then now there's the lack talking to people. I don't really talk much over msn or sms, I prefer talking face to face or on the phone. I need a decent conversation with someone else other than my mum and my sis soon or I swear, you will see me on the headlines of The Newpaper.

14 year-old suffers nervous breakdown due to lack of conversations, more details on page 6

And recently there has been a guy that has been mauled to death by 2 white tigers. I find it a very gruesome and weird way to die. I pity him lar. Imagine, his funeral, cannot open the coffin. (If he is getting buried). I heard over the news that he suffered from depression and was suicidal. I do not mean to be rude to the dead but, die also die in a way that will not tarnish the name of your workplace right? What will tourists and other visitors think if they knew that someone was killed due to problems with security? Who would want to work, fearing for their lives, fearing that they'll get assaulted by an animal any moment? Also, suicide is stupid, it affects one's family and friends, who may get depression from losing a loved one and also commit suicide, sparking off a chain reaction. If you fail in life and face obstacles, stay strong, don't run or back down. So many people succeeded after facing setbacks, why choose a path that will hurt your love ones. I feel sorry for the family of the victim.

Random stuff ahead

I'm starting to songs by George Michael, and some of them are quite nice. 

I scalded my index finger while making toast.

I would really love it if it's breezy tomorrow.

I haven't showered yet although it's 1.40am .

My keyboard is oily, eww.

It's very dirty on the inside, I plan to clean it, but i have been procrastinating since April.

Jasmine just signed in. (Not that I care)

I'm barely feeling the wind from the fan.

I can feel my hair growing as I'm typing this.

Do I talk fast?

I need to take a shower, but as usual, I'm too lazy.

I feel like eating roti prata, with curry.

I want to drink a salty soup. 

I'm perspiring.

I want my fringe back.

I wish I can fluently speak, read and write Japanese.

I just lost my train of thought.

~Wake me up, before you go go~

Oh my god! Chandler and Monica!

Cherudim, Lockon Stratos, Sniping targets!

I don't feel sleepy.

I like apple pie(not)

I haven't eaten western food in a while.


There's only 7 people online.

Someone tell me where I can get a job.

I feel so useless

Now's i'm feeling hungry

hocus pocus.


The sky is black right now.

WTF AM I SAYING?! I'm going mental. Nervous breakdown, here I come.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

50 things about me and I need money

Fishballs, I need money, I have no money after buying my edge thingy. And my debtor hasn't paid me back. I need money, or else how am I gonna buy ****'s *******y ******t. I need money, I don't feel safe without it.

That's why I'm job hunting!!!

I really really really need a part-time job, so someone who has a good recommendation, please tell me! If not , I'm thinking of working part-time at Mos Burger. The website says Students, retirees and housewives are welcome. I hope they're hiring 14 year-old students. Even McDonalds hires people with at least an 'N' Level cert. LIKE WTF?! What about students who want to get holiday jobs but have to aim for the fast-food industry because he/she has no connections to shop/business owners that know him/her well enough to hire him/her. 

I need a job! But I have no extra skills that can help me in the working world! I'll get slaughtered out there! Why is getting a stupid holiday job so tough?! OMG, I'm whining before I even tried, I am such a loser. I don't know anything useful! I don't even know how to do day-to-day things !

50 everyday things I don't know how to do/things people my age know how to do that I don't:

1. I don't know how to Iron clothes
2. I don't know how to Do laundry
3. I don't know how to Ride a bike
4. I don't know how to Swim (just throw me into deep water and I can die)
5. I don't know how to Repair a computer
6. I don't know how to Assemble a computer
7. I don't know how to Memorise simple things like things to buy/do etc
8. I don't know how to Do Cart-wheels
9. I don't know how to Play a sport well
10. I don't know how to Sew without pricking my fingers.
11. I don't know how to Cook
12. I don't know how to Come up with a decent conversation/argument
13. I don't know how to Come up with a joke
14. I don't know how to Sing properly without going off-tune
15. I don't know how to pour water into a cup without spilling
16. I don't know how to Thoroughly kick someone's ass in something
17. I don't know how to Speak without slipping my words
18. I don't know how to Multi-task
19. I don't know how to Accept criticism without being offended
20. I don't know how to Remember song lyrics
21. I don't know how to Fire a gun
22. I don't know how to Fence
23. I don't know Any form of martial arts.
24. I don't have Have a proper sense of rhythm
25. I don't know how to tpye a secntene wthiuot mankig an erorr (type a sentence without making an error)
26. I don't know how to Drive a Car or any vehicle
27. I don't know how to Row a boat.
28. I don't know how to Fly a kite
29. I don't know how to Whistle
30. I don't know how to Not offend someone for a day
31. I do not know hot to Self-discipline myself
32. I don't know how to Ice skate
33. I don't have the guts to stand up for myself
34. I can't be strong for myself
35. I cannot assure myself
36. I'm cannot work alone, I always need a pillar that often isn't there
37. I don't know how to have a crush on the right person
38. I don't know how to think before I talk
39. I don't know how to do simple math
40. I don not know how to accept blame
41. I don't know how to pull myself together
42. I don't know how to attract a crowd's attention in a correct manner
43. I don't know how to watch my spending
44. I don't know how to think for others
45.  I don't know how to make decisions without regretting it
46. I don't know how to speak Cantonese and Japanese, which are part of my family's roots
47. I don't know how to be humble
48. I don't know how to eat without making a mess of the area
49. I don't know how to ignore

Hope you know me better now. Just let me rot in self-pity .

I am such a loser.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

class chalet part 2

Ok, as promised, I shall blog about the rest of the class chalet. I woke up when someone opened the door and banged it into me(cos I was sleeping beside the door). I was damn groggy, so I  went back to sleep on the first floor but it was too noisy. I tried to sleep later even after brushing my teeth, I didn't follow the rest to breakfast cos I was too groggy. So I decided to sleep in the upstairs room until vincentwoke me up, saying that we need to levae now if we wanted to go escape or wild wild wet. Only to realise later that it was too early, PFFT LAR. So I went back to sleep, but it was only short-lived cos the girls returned back to the chalet. I can't remember what I did in the mean time but I finally decided to go to wild wild wet. 

So this is how I'll describe my maiden voyage to Wild Wild Wet. 
We were about 10 mins early, so we had to wait for the gates to open, although the staff were like, already there and there was a queue. But this shows that they need to get ready and need to ensure that the lifeguards are in position, and the rides are working etc etc etc, a sign of responsibility. Thumbs UP! But on the other hand, who dosen't hate waiting? It was a torturing 10 mins to wait can?

 After getting lockers and stuff, Sean bert and I headed for the Shiok Pool, much to my irritation, my body, after 5 years of not going into a pool, has forgotten how to swim. (I couldn't even swim properly in the 1st place when I was 9). So while I was trying to at least float, my glasses got hit by a jacuzzi like thing and MY GLASSES GOT WASHED AWAY! I panicked can? My glasses barely a year old lor! My mum would kill me! Sean and bert tried to help me find it, but sadly, it didn't work cos there were too many ppl and there was a current. So I had no choice but to force myself to go on. I could barely catch up with Sean and Bert cos they were swimming and I was "running". Overall, the Shiok pool is my favourite part of the park cos it's suited for lazy people like me. 

I had to exit the Shiok Pool,unless I wanted to be stranded alone in the Shiok pool half-blind. Followed Sean and Bert to that Family Ride thingy. By then, I was already thinking of how to explain to my mother about my glasses. Asked the guy there if it was possible to get my glasses back and he told me to ask the lifeguards there. The slide was fun at the starting when there was a huge slope, but later the ride was smoother and less scary. Immediately rushed to get my glasses back, asked the lifeguard he told us to meet us at a bridge cos he was on the other side and couldn't just jump across. AND SO I GOT MY GLASSES BACK! DAMN HAPPY CAN? 

I quote myself, "Wow! They're so effiecient! They found my glasses before I asked them! I feel like writing a letter of commendation!" Then I realised I didn't know his name so I said 
"Nevermind, just write there, Hunky Lifeguard." Then I realised another problem. What if they asked , "Which hunky lifeguard are you refering to?" 
OK, I sound damn gay.

Then tried the various slides, the purple one is not as fun as the yellow one. Then we ran into Donavon and Joseph! Played somemore. Then tried that U-slide thingy, damn fun-scary can?! My heart almost jumped out. Went on the family thingy again, and Samantha was like, "Eh, Kristopher, how come you have a dent in your chest? And you're soooo skinny!!" To get back at her, before the float I was on went down, I said to Sam, "Eh, Samantha, why you stand down there 当电灯泡 (light bulb, also means to play gooseberry) ?" Then the lifeguard was like, "Why not you join her ? 两个电灯泡比较亮。(2 light bulbs are brighter than 1). I rejected the offer and decided to go with my group. Was much smoother cos I went on the ride once. OKAY OKAY I'M GETTING BORED TYPING MY WHOLE EXPERIENCE AT WILD WILD WET. I'LL JUST FAST FORWARD MY WHOLE EXPERIECNCE.

Went to the Tsunami, NOT ADVISABLE FOR NON-SWIMMERS. PLAYED SOMEMORE. Snacked at the KFC, took photos, went back to he chalet. 

THEN HAD BBQ! I LOVE BBQ! I LOVE COOKING, I didn't eat he prawns, although I really wanted to. I hate prawn shells! Then played monopoly, got trashed, lost my temper (I know, sore-loser right?). Rematched, I played calmly and WON EVERYONE! So, the guide to winning monopoly, is to play unenthusiastically, rudely, crudely, and angrily. Couldn't sleep cos my space on the mattress was stolen from me. So I ended up sleeping on the floor next to the stairs. 

Woke up, brush teeth, pack up, clear rubbish, clear bbq pit, check out. Sean got his saktes stolen! 


So,anyway,we went to Downtown East, met up with Don, ate at burger king and crapped around, it was a good thing we didn't get chased out. Then play play play somemore then go home. I was poofed out and my batteries were flat, took a nice shower and crashed into bed. (I think I did that, if my memory isn't failing me.)

ps: I-MUST-LEARN-SWIMMING!! The trip to Wild Wild Wet has made me realised that you just need to throw me into a pool 1.8m deep to kill me. I have to learn! I dun wanna die so easily! But one 1.75m tall 14-going-on-15 year old bamboo pole learn swimming like very paiseh leh. GRRR. I just ruined my own mood.

PSS: I wanted to write so much more but alas, this is for public viewing, the details may disgust you. And you're probably just skipping this ridiculously long post! 

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Class chalet

The class chalet rocked man, never had so much fun with so little sleep in a long time. (God, that came out wrong) . 

So on the first day, we gathered early in the morning at 8.30am , I was the first to reach, pfft. Then people started to gather, but our important organiser Sean was nowhere in sight, so I called him, only to end up chatting with his voicemail inbox. And I was LITERALLY chatting with his voicemail inbox. 

I quote, "Oh hello again voicemail inbox, I hope you can pass a message to Sean that he's late and everyone's waiting for him, thanks voicemail inbox!" 

In the end we headed to pasir ris ourselves without waiting for Sean. The train ride was super long! I almost fell asleep on the train. We loitered around cos we couldn't decide where to go. Then Sean the latecomer arrived! We walked to Pasir Ris park and rollerbladed!!! I've gotten much better at this. There was one part where I was trying to support Junling, I lost my balance and fell, which caused Junling to fall. And for some weird reason caused Michelle to fall, so it was kind of a human 3-way-pile-up. Sean just stood there and laughed.  I swear, the park has a lot of mosquitoes. I got 7 mosquito bites by the end of the trip from the park. And the beach there has a great breeze. Shit happened, then went to Ehub to eat, I was kinda in a bad mood so I didn't eat.

Then, we proceeded to our chalet, when we saw it, we were like, "OH MY GOD, SO SMALL?!". When we walked in, were were like, "ALAMAK, WE KENNA SCAM!" It was much smaller than in the photo, there was 1 toilet, as opposed to 4, which was mentioned. The one last year was better. 

We soon adjusted to our environment. I switched on the TV, and when I was at Channel News Asia, the fisrt words I saw were "Barack Obama wins US election." I went "WOO!!! Obama won!" But I gues not everyone heard me cos I heard people saying "HUH? Obama won?" in the evening. We went to the beach and slacked/walked/threw stones and sand. We returned to the chalet and ate dinner, Mr Yeo was there. Then played monopoly, I got slaughtered terribly. Then some people went to watch a night movie, I chose to stay at the chalet cos I really had no money. So sean Mich , Junling, Samantha, Jasmine and Sean stayed in the room on the second floor and chatted like siao, and Sean and Jsmine danced. Shit happened. Then continued talking, had lots of fun. The girls let Sean and I sleep in the upstairs room, but let me tell you, the room is soooo cold that you can't even sleep, so I ended up leaving the room and sleeping next to the door.

Day 2 will be posted on another date, it's 2.37 am and my mum's making noise.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Recently, I've started to have an interest in the X-Men, I really wished humans would develop superhuman powers all of a sudden and use them for good/bad. 2 characters I really like are Wallflower aka Laurie Collins and Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl/ Phoenix. Wallflower has pheromone powers. (Pheromone's are chemicals that are emmited by plants/insects that cause natural behavioural instincts of the same species.) She can emit pheromones and affect other humans to do whatever she wants them to. For example, if she were to use a fear pheromone on someone, she'll scare her target away. So she can affect anyone's behaviour and character. Bud sadly, she was assassinated by Willian Stryker after he saw in a vision that she would single-handedly defeat him and his army. COOL RIGHT!? (not the part about her being knocked off). then I would make everyone envy me,/hate me/love me/adore me/feel threatened by me. SO COOL.

For those people who know nothing of the x-men, Jean Grey is one of the first X-men and one of the most powerful mutants . She has the powers of telepathy a telekinesis, telepathy allows her to read minds, read memories,hear thoughts, alter memories, astral projection, brain-wash, take control of people etc etc.  Telekinesis allows Jean Grey to lift and move objects with her mind or use at as a concussive force to cause hurt and pain or use it to let her fly. Jean also wields the power of the Phoenix force, which greatly intensified her powers to the extent that she could explode a star. COOL RIGHT?! I will always be able to know what people are thinking, see their memories, communicate with them telepathicallyand control them. Then If I had telekenisis I don't have to use manual labour, I can carry heavy things easily and can FLY! WOO NO MORE WALKING! 

But seriously, this phenomenon may not even occur for the next thousands and millions of years as we humans haven't reach that stage of evolution.

Woo! class chalet!

Monday, November 03, 2008

head on

I'm sure you're aware of the new fiasco I just created from my previous post. I will bear the consequences. If you don't want to listen to my apology and you want to beat me up, I'm fine with it, I admit I went too far and cross the line, but those are my words and if they irk you and you feel like scolding me, please kindly do so and please refrain from vulgarities. I am sure that you must really dislike me and if you want to hurl vulgarities at me, I can't stop you, it's your mouth as much as this is my blog, but leave my family out of it!

If you decide to come and bash me up, you don't have to hold back, as long as it can cool your anger. (This only applies to parties involved, friends not included). If you want to hit me, I won't fight back, for these are consequences I must bear. 

I will say this one more time, Yon Chin, I am in the wrong about the post , and I'm sorry, but if you don't accept it and still want to bash me, I'll accept it head on.