Tuesday, November 11, 2008

class chalet part 2

Ok, as promised, I shall blog about the rest of the class chalet. I woke up when someone opened the door and banged it into me(cos I was sleeping beside the door). I was damn groggy, so I  went back to sleep on the first floor but it was too noisy. I tried to sleep later even after brushing my teeth, I didn't follow the rest to breakfast cos I was too groggy. So I decided to sleep in the upstairs room until vincentwoke me up, saying that we need to levae now if we wanted to go escape or wild wild wet. Only to realise later that it was too early, PFFT LAR. So I went back to sleep, but it was only short-lived cos the girls returned back to the chalet. I can't remember what I did in the mean time but I finally decided to go to wild wild wet. 

So this is how I'll describe my maiden voyage to Wild Wild Wet. 
We were about 10 mins early, so we had to wait for the gates to open, although the staff were like, already there and there was a queue. But this shows that they need to get ready and need to ensure that the lifeguards are in position, and the rides are working etc etc etc, a sign of responsibility. Thumbs UP! But on the other hand, who dosen't hate waiting? It was a torturing 10 mins to wait can?

 After getting lockers and stuff, Sean bert and I headed for the Shiok Pool, much to my irritation, my body, after 5 years of not going into a pool, has forgotten how to swim. (I couldn't even swim properly in the 1st place when I was 9). So while I was trying to at least float, my glasses got hit by a jacuzzi like thing and MY GLASSES GOT WASHED AWAY! I panicked can? My glasses barely a year old lor! My mum would kill me! Sean and bert tried to help me find it, but sadly, it didn't work cos there were too many ppl and there was a current. So I had no choice but to force myself to go on. I could barely catch up with Sean and Bert cos they were swimming and I was "running". Overall, the Shiok pool is my favourite part of the park cos it's suited for lazy people like me. 

I had to exit the Shiok Pool,unless I wanted to be stranded alone in the Shiok pool half-blind. Followed Sean and Bert to that Family Ride thingy. By then, I was already thinking of how to explain to my mother about my glasses. Asked the guy there if it was possible to get my glasses back and he told me to ask the lifeguards there. The slide was fun at the starting when there was a huge slope, but later the ride was smoother and less scary. Immediately rushed to get my glasses back, asked the lifeguard he told us to meet us at a bridge cos he was on the other side and couldn't just jump across. AND SO I GOT MY GLASSES BACK! DAMN HAPPY CAN? 

I quote myself, "Wow! They're so effiecient! They found my glasses before I asked them! I feel like writing a letter of commendation!" Then I realised I didn't know his name so I said 
"Nevermind, just write there, Hunky Lifeguard." Then I realised another problem. What if they asked , "Which hunky lifeguard are you refering to?" 
OK, I sound damn gay.

Then tried the various slides, the purple one is not as fun as the yellow one. Then we ran into Donavon and Joseph! Played somemore. Then tried that U-slide thingy, damn fun-scary can?! My heart almost jumped out. Went on the family thingy again, and Samantha was like, "Eh, Kristopher, how come you have a dent in your chest? And you're soooo skinny!!" To get back at her, before the float I was on went down, I said to Sam, "Eh, Samantha, why you stand down there 当电灯泡 (light bulb, also means to play gooseberry) ?" Then the lifeguard was like, "Why not you join her ? 两个电灯泡比较亮。(2 light bulbs are brighter than 1). I rejected the offer and decided to go with my group. Was much smoother cos I went on the ride once. OKAY OKAY I'M GETTING BORED TYPING MY WHOLE EXPERIENCE AT WILD WILD WET. I'LL JUST FAST FORWARD MY WHOLE EXPERIECNCE.

Went to the Tsunami, NOT ADVISABLE FOR NON-SWIMMERS. PLAYED SOMEMORE. Snacked at the KFC, took photos, went back to he chalet. 

THEN HAD BBQ! I LOVE BBQ! I LOVE COOKING, I didn't eat he prawns, although I really wanted to. I hate prawn shells! Then played monopoly, got trashed, lost my temper (I know, sore-loser right?). Rematched, I played calmly and WON EVERYONE! So, the guide to winning monopoly, is to play unenthusiastically, rudely, crudely, and angrily. Couldn't sleep cos my space on the mattress was stolen from me. So I ended up sleeping on the floor next to the stairs. 

Woke up, brush teeth, pack up, clear rubbish, clear bbq pit, check out. Sean got his saktes stolen! 


So,anyway,we went to Downtown East, met up with Don, ate at burger king and crapped around, it was a good thing we didn't get chased out. Then play play play somemore then go home. I was poofed out and my batteries were flat, took a nice shower and crashed into bed. (I think I did that, if my memory isn't failing me.)

ps: I-MUST-LEARN-SWIMMING!! The trip to Wild Wild Wet has made me realised that you just need to throw me into a pool 1.8m deep to kill me. I have to learn! I dun wanna die so easily! But one 1.75m tall 14-going-on-15 year old bamboo pole learn swimming like very paiseh leh. GRRR. I just ruined my own mood.

PSS: I wanted to write so much more but alas, this is for public viewing, the details may disgust you. And you're probably just skipping this ridiculously long post! 

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