Monday, November 17, 2008


I wake up energized everyday only to rot at home. I have nothing to do, except my usual routine of using the comp , playing with my NDS and sleeping late. Maybe I'll go to the library. Then borrow some books to read for my book review. It constitutes 50% of my CA1 for English next year after all.

I'm just waiting for someone to ask me out. (Who am I kidding?! Who would ask me out?). Really wanna go out, but no idea who to go with(who would wanna go anyway?) or even where to go and what to do. Then there's the whole problem with money. GRRR. I'll just wait here for someone to organise some sort of outing. (This paragraph is a really desperate hint)

Then now there's the lack talking to people. I don't really talk much over msn or sms, I prefer talking face to face or on the phone. I need a decent conversation with someone else other than my mum and my sis soon or I swear, you will see me on the headlines of The Newpaper.

14 year-old suffers nervous breakdown due to lack of conversations, more details on page 6

And recently there has been a guy that has been mauled to death by 2 white tigers. I find it a very gruesome and weird way to die. I pity him lar. Imagine, his funeral, cannot open the coffin. (If he is getting buried). I heard over the news that he suffered from depression and was suicidal. I do not mean to be rude to the dead but, die also die in a way that will not tarnish the name of your workplace right? What will tourists and other visitors think if they knew that someone was killed due to problems with security? Who would want to work, fearing for their lives, fearing that they'll get assaulted by an animal any moment? Also, suicide is stupid, it affects one's family and friends, who may get depression from losing a loved one and also commit suicide, sparking off a chain reaction. If you fail in life and face obstacles, stay strong, don't run or back down. So many people succeeded after facing setbacks, why choose a path that will hurt your love ones. I feel sorry for the family of the victim.

Random stuff ahead

I'm starting to songs by George Michael, and some of them are quite nice. 

I scalded my index finger while making toast.

I would really love it if it's breezy tomorrow.

I haven't showered yet although it's 1.40am .

My keyboard is oily, eww.

It's very dirty on the inside, I plan to clean it, but i have been procrastinating since April.

Jasmine just signed in. (Not that I care)

I'm barely feeling the wind from the fan.

I can feel my hair growing as I'm typing this.

Do I talk fast?

I need to take a shower, but as usual, I'm too lazy.

I feel like eating roti prata, with curry.

I want to drink a salty soup. 

I'm perspiring.

I want my fringe back.

I wish I can fluently speak, read and write Japanese.

I just lost my train of thought.

~Wake me up, before you go go~

Oh my god! Chandler and Monica!

Cherudim, Lockon Stratos, Sniping targets!

I don't feel sleepy.

I like apple pie(not)

I haven't eaten western food in a while.


There's only 7 people online.

Someone tell me where I can get a job.

I feel so useless

Now's i'm feeling hungry

hocus pocus.


The sky is black right now.

WTF AM I SAYING?! I'm going mental. Nervous breakdown, here I come.

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