Wednesday, April 30, 2008

library comps are s**t

Ok, i'm here at amk library to continue my post from music lesson, d&t was fun, we evaluated our work in a 'toy idol" kinda way, the class was split in "the paula"s "the randy"s and "the simon"s. naturaly, i got into "the simon"s. We gave our comments about some trick doorbell in the way paula randy n simon would. I sorta wanted to do it in british accent but my british accent sort of CMI. Then was maths.(how different can maths lessons be?) After that, the guys wrestled AGAIN and Haikal injured his balls AGAIN.

Then went for lunch at amk hub with sean bert n zhen ning. We tried to get seats in the very crowded food court. I almost got 1 but an uncle and aunty took it away. I decided to be civilised n not fight with them for it. Then i found a seat but it got snatched away by this old fogey. We were like, right there n he just put his plate there. So what if he was just one stall away, the seat was empty!!!!! I felt like smashing his food into his face n send a corkscrew followed by a round-house kick in his stomach. Followed up with a quick uppercut. But he was old so i let him off. Luckily we found some seats. Then went window shopping for STUFF. Fish, the game i want isn't there, i guess it'll take a while to come to singapore.

Btw, while typing the amk hub part, i saw TIAN TIAN, of all ppl to see, she hissed my name loudly in the middle of the library n walked over n see me type this post, erm, hello u little kay-poh? a little privacy pls? she also scratched me yesterday, the mark is still there, it made my knee bleed A LITTLE. That (insert vulgarity), i'm willing to bet $50 she'll be left on the shelf.

N i hate people who talk loudly n inconsiderately in libraries.

PS. The VP sat beside me during our 'best' chinese lesson yet n praised me. lol

school comp

i'm like, using the sch comp to update my blog, lol. i have nth to do without the comp. i either go to the library with the restof the guys or slp, i hate the sg heat wave. gtg now, music lesson just ended

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I hate singapore's weather

i hate the weather here, it's so stuffy, it's hot although it's night time. fuck. i fucking hate hot days. i prefer cold weather. n i always fucking itch a lot after showers. shit, dunno y.


I wonder why i'm still updating this damned blog, does anyone even read it? Do they even link me?(i noe some do) it's rotting although i update it. I mean, a sec one's blog looks nicer than mine. i need help with this blogging business man. i need a change of skin. I usually have a sea of rants to dump here, but for some god-damned reason that i don't know, my mind either goes blank or my hands are too lazy to even type.

To a certain someone.
Now u noe that i didn't go around telling ppl what i shouldn't. CAN U PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT POST CALLING ME A MALE-BITCH???!!!!

have a nice day people.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

i want the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 DS game!!!!

I was reading about gundam 00 when i came across this game n it happens to be on DS. I so want it, i saw the gameplay, the battles seem like the PSP gundam seed EAF vs Zaft (did i get the name correct?) i want it! i wonder if it'll come to singapore though...

Happy bday nicole!!!!!

today's nicole's birthday!!! happy birthday!!!! Smsed nicole until midnight last night to wish her happy bday but i dozed off at 11.50 . I knew that would happen so played safe i sent her happy birthday to her 5 minutes b4 i dozed off. i'm banned from the comp for a week starting from monday so my blog will be rotting for the rest of the week, don't miss me too much, lol.

Dear person who is pissed with me,
I'm sorry. but i swear i didn't say it out. I fucking kept silent. I only said i was in shock n kinda frustrated cos of the jerk . i nvr said what he was doing. i nvr touched that. i shut up the moment they asked.i changed the subject immediately. I dun now what makes u think i told ppl but i didn't. Ask Sean. I didn't tell. I would never tell.


SCREW THIS SCREWED WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........................


Friday, April 25, 2008


goals i wanna achieve: 180cem 55 kg
3.expand my circle of friends
4.get top 10 in class
5. get conact lenses
6.a 3rd job in maple
more to come soon
what i want list:
1.Contact lenses(lasic is preferred)
2.a psp
3. an mp3
4.a camera ear piercing
6.a gf

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I was very late for sch so i took a taxi, i kept talking with the uncle .I didn't wear PE attire so i had to walk in the field with a 5kg ball while jasmine carried a 3kg one. Then had break n chatted with gerlyn. Then walked again then Mr T. let us off. We nth much happened today. Had our last drma lesson. Donavon's grp performed, but they ruined it at one part cos they kept laughing.then we played Splat, then we played I Accuse. We even cut in to VE lesson! Mr yeo also joined in!!!Nobody called my no. I heard some one say "I accuse 14!" which was my number so i stood p n shouted "i accuse 3!!!!!" with my arms in the air. It turned out the idiot said 40. Walau damn malu for me lar, say properly can? i forgot who that idiot was, but i noe i'll strangle that person till that person's neck broke then cut a whole in the person's chest n rip his/her ribcage apart n stab his lungs n hearts with stakes and knives. Then went to library with sean don n bert to study. Cher sheng tagged along too. We found a corner to do work, it was that metal thinggy, i crawled to get through but i hit my head n there was a low *gong* sound. Then we started doing my maths. After a while, we got a table, then a group of girls sat nearby. then were chatting and giggling loudly, ignoring the "shhhhs" of the irritated ppl. One of them said this very loudly "....She said fuck you...." We burst out we laughter with the girls, we couldn't control it n we attracted unwanted attention from them. Then helped sean reply the smses of this coco girl who he dosen't noe. It was hilarious.I also haven't done so much work in 2.5 hours in a long time. I'm soo proud of myself, lol.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i'm on my toes

it's like, 12.09 n i'm using the comp, i'll die if i get caught. today, miss chua caught jesslyn playing with her correction tape n punished her. Get a life! pick on someone, else stop making things miserable for us, Stop demoralizing us, u make us sound so useless, what do u noe about us? u think you're some big shot cos u're HOD of maths? Damn u.(i'll be in so much trouble if a teacher reads my blog) The relief teacher for art sucks. The moment she opened her mouth, i hated her. Today got longer assembly which meant shorter IT lesoon which meant BAD NEWS cos we need as much time as possible to do our video. It was prize giving ceremony. Our class only got hui ching get prize. Most all 2/8 get. Then was dance ration, aeverybody used the song "low", wth? The first group was nice. The barney part was entertaining yet plain weird.Then the other group, the one i prefered, was kinda good too, siti, rahimah, diyana n herlina were there, so i naturally supported their grp. Then the performance with the last year champions sucked. The one from singapore poly was plain cool. N i find it quite weird when people laugh or make strange noises during the contemparory dance part. WTH is ur prob??? ppl came here to perform for U n u laugh at their performance? Don't u noe wad respect is? If u don't appreciate it, just shut up.

PS. I got 32/40 for my gego test, yay

Monday, April 21, 2008

gudo mudo desu....

damn, couldn't get a good shot of don n sean
so cute!!! found at popular(i took this on sunday)
one of the noisiest groups in class
another noisy group(minus bert)
It reads: lower down your volume 2-07 (some clown wrote by donavon tan )

I overslept today n was late for sch. I didn't receive detention though, then gave Don his card n present. Super Mario didn't come but we still had chinese test. Mr Y. didn't come too, we did a few assgnments. I finished them quickly n chatted with don n sean. After sch, went to eat with sean don n bert at the s-11 next to the mac, the portions for lunch was quite small despite it costing $3.50(must be because of the rising prices). Ate n crap talked, then went to sweet talk to get a drink, Sean inserted the wrong straw into Don's drink, which kinda pissed don off. I dunno y, but it was kinda hilarious. Seeing Don get angry at sean (inner sadist in me). So don had like, 2 straws, one fat, one thin. C'mon, it's not REALLY worth getting angry over, if someone gives u a weird look, just say : " what?! nvr seen 2 good frens/gay pals sharing a drink? he dosen't like pearls while i do! So we got 2 diff straws. We're not inhygenic scums like u." LOL!!!! haha!! just joking. No offense dudes.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

At amk library

went to amk library to return my overdue book n pay the fine. Then roamed around to books. I ended up borrowing "The Sky Is Falling" by Sidney Sheldon( I got interested when i heard my seniors talking about about it n reading it) "Wish Upon a Star" by Mary Sheldon(are they related?) "FEARLESS isuue 23 (FEAR)" by Francine Pascal n "The complete idiot's guide to goal-setting" but i found it boring after reading the first few pages, so i returned it. Then i went on to read a bit of FEARLESS n The Sky is Falling. Then went to eat my lunch at the mac opposite. I cut the queue of some pri sch/sec 1 boys cos they were crowding around n not ordering so i just cut them n gave them a "too bad" face. I almost spilled my coke. I could barely finishmy meal(that's weird). I guess my appetite is on small mode today. Then i went back to search for more books. Then decided to use the comp there to update my blog. So now i m at the first floor of the library listening to the radio through my hp n blogging. There were some toddlers just now trying to use the comp but they didn't noe how to use the library ones so they made LOADS OF NOISE, N I MEAN LOADS . An auntie an the table gave the pissed of bitch face to them, but they didn't notice, then they went off. I'll be shopping for something for Don Nicole later for their bday. Most likely a card (srry i'm on a budget). Ciao ppl

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Woke up today at 2.30pm. My sis went out so i can use comp(yay!!!). Then watch a bit of anime n crap vidoes. Then go play maple. Then after playing i checked my msn n realized it was Donavon's Birthday. I can't believe i almost forgot it. So i immediately smsed him this:

I noe this kinda late but,
Today is ur special day which gave ur mom great pain 14 years ago
U are one year older, one year wiser, one year maturer, one year smarter n one year more good looking. Most importantly,
One year older!!!! Yay!!! OLD!! OLD!! OLD!!! U r one year closer to ur grave!!!!!!!!!!!
Woohoo!!!!!! Enjoy ur birthday!!!!!

Kinda weird isn't it? My dear good friend donavon, Happy Birthday, I hope u get a gf, hope u grow taller, hope u get smarter. lol juz jokin.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy bday minling!!!!

Happy birthday min ling. The girls gave her gifts n cards, n even even a board that says "today is my birthday" n dared her to do things. Mr Y. also almost confiscated one card during his lesson. N there was something inside that we wouldn't want teachers to see. Today was a bad day for me, got back science teast, got 17.5/30. I almost failed. *bangs wall* Theni got back the results for a compre test, 6/12 *depression* Then received report writing test. I though i failed but i got one of the highest marks in class. 23/30 . about 2 or 3 other classmates got 23/30 too. Looks like my subjects are still unstable. I almost hurt my spine, i was playing a little with tiramisu (Yon Chin) but he crossed the line n pushed me towards the font of class. I kinda "flew'' cos we had very different body sizes, he was kinda plump while i'm underweight. His push made me hit the edge of the whiteboard thinggy where u put the markers n dusters. It hit the back of my pelvis. It missed my spine by an inch or two. It was super pain or a few minutes n so did my left leg(dunno why). I think i have a bruise there. Then did the last bit of filming for IT.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bored to hell....

i'm ube bored. my life has no spice n flavour in it. I'm bored. Today had PE. There was a lightning warning so we couldn't play. So we just watch a video of our band SYF n a video on how to play territorial games. I hate soccer, i dun feel like playing it next week. I prefer captains ball. Then had science. Got practical. On chapt 6. I think it's the first of it's kind. We all take a vial of liquid, pour some into the lid, then we go around and mix our liquids together. At the end. mrs Y. explained that if our liquids turn pink, it means we're "contaminated with an STI" In the end, everybody's was pink. N the source was Leo Jia Min. Poor thing. She first mix with her group members, Samantha , Junling and Corin. N i mixed with corin n Sam, In the end, we had to count our "partners", Jia Min had 24.... GG!!!! Then saw some disturbing things on some phamphlets on STI. Then sacrificed recess to rehearse for dama. then had boring chinese lessons then maths. then had our drama exam. We had no mics so we had to project our voices. Everyone except those who can act like Yu Xian , Hui Ching , Jiamin (just to name a few) n the drama club members could be heard. The rest were barely audible. Then had this story telling workshop. The storyteller was good. The first story was hilarious. The second was cool. Then went home n got scolded cos i brought too many clothes to sch for drama. just talked on the phone with Soong. She wants me to help her sing the raw part of Bring me to Life for her during her lunch time concert performance. WTF? My singing is okok only n she wants me to sing that?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Corin , Min Ling n the other girls playing in class

Corin , drawing her magnum opus

Fame (dreams) in the rain

Musical bbq video.

I hate post titles

Had a hlf day today. Had geog test, it was a killer. But i think i'll get at least 25-28 marks. Then had art. Mr D. briefed us on our mid-year art paper. I forgot we had half day n i had qn marks over over my head when i saw my classmates packing up n carrying their bags. A childish idiot from our class, Mr Tiramisu, Then went to KFC with Don Sean Ben Terrance Bertrand. Terrance n Benjamin went off when Don Sean n i were momentarily talking with someone else. Bert came back n joined us. Then humphrey n Bryon tagged along. In the end , Only me n humphrey ate there while the rest bought takeaways cos they were going back to sch. Btw, when we reached the KFC, it was still closed but opening in a few minutes so we waited outside. A staff member from there was looking at us n shaking her stupid head as if we were delinquents who skipped sch. I wanted to go straight to her and say, " Whatcha looking at, B!tch? Haven't u seen students on half-day? U judgemental B!tch." then walk off to get a seat n order my food and act as if nth happened, sadly, i didn't do it cos i m a "civillised" human being. Then went home n watched videos on youtube. I came upon one called XiaXue's guide on life. It was so F*cking funny!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

....yaD taerG

Today wasn't a bad day, I was actually interested in Chinese lesson. Mr Super Mario told us today got chinese oral although they said thursday on the timetable. Then had maths. I caught no balls. Then was recess, ate with Claire Brenna n Gerlyn.After that, some of my classmates n i Were mimicking L from death note. Followed by English lesson, had narrative writing introduction test(I love English!!!) . the word limit was 120 words but Mr Y said he didn't mind overshooting but we're risking ourselves of losing marks via mistakes. inte end, i wrote 180 words. Sean n Wei Fang wrote 200+ (wow) . Then was science, my fav subject (that's y i like mon thurs n Fri) Followed by Geography. Miss T choose to put the qn i set last week into the class test. which made my classmates BOOOOOOOOOOO! at me. I'd better be on my toes. Then had VE lesson, we talked about this primary sch which had a huge fiasco over halal food. It broadend my knowlegde a bit. Then went to eat lunch with sean n bert, vincent gate crashed the lunch /gossip session. Then Ryan joined in at the same time. Then realised some sec 1 called edna likes him. I gave him some advice on how to get rid of her. I'd really want to meet this Edna girl. Sean told me she liked 6 diff guys in 3 months. That's like, an average of 2 per month and one crush lasting for about average of 15 days. Then went for oral. A little confusion on where to go though. Then crap talked with Wei Fang n Kelvin. Then I did my oral. I got slaughtered in the reading part. But i think i nailed the conversation part. The question was: 你的生活快乐吗?(are u happy with ur life?) I gave all sorts of crap hypocritical happy life shit.then she asked, 你觉得新加坡人快乐吗?(Do u think singaporeans are happy?) I said i knew results have shown that most singaporeans are unhappy. Then ifollowed on to compare poorer countries and Singapore. If poorer countries can have happy people, why can't we have happier lives? The reason is simple, we are greedy, we're too comfortable with the expensive pleasures of life. We want more once we get bored of something, we don't know how to appreciate the simle things in life, love , friends and family. We care about material things and money. Then she asked: 要怎样才可以快乐?i replied, look at ur frens and family around u, care less about materials things. Be more optimistice, smile n laugh more. N let ur stress go. The thing was , i kept using the word "then" in a chinese oral. damn . will minus marks lor. Then go library I borrowed "Fearless". I haven't been reading it in a while. then went home with Claire N Brenna. Kenneth n this 2/6 guy caleed Su Xin tagged along. He's super funny!!! We crapped talked n talked about the oral exam. Laughed a lot
Conversation Extraction.
Brenna: eh, su xin, what's ur surname ar?
Kenneth: Su lar...
Brenna: so his name is xin lar? xinxin(pun for star or gorrila)(laughs)
claire n i laughed too
Su Xin: People are quite sexist, when they see girls holding hands or hugging, they are fine with it. But when 2 guys do that, people go eww.
Me: yar lor
Claire: i see girls hug often , i occasionally see guys hug too. but rarely see girls n guys hug
Me: That's cos girls will go n scream "MOLEST,AH!!!!!"
Claire: no, is the girl take initiative
Me : Then the guy won't reject. Imean, He gets to eat tofu for free. (Whole group laughs. Brenna laughed the most though she was eating a floss bun)
su xin : skalee the tofu 臭。(ROFLOLMAO!!!!!)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I hate coming up with headings

this afternoon, i noticed my handphone bill on the counter. I knew bad news would i arrive but i ignored it. then later, around 2 or 3 pm, my mum screamed, "KEN-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!". My worst fears came true. My bill was a whopping $152 (beat that) n no surprise, i was curious with my hp's internet function n i kept fiddling with it. then later i realised the cost n stopped. My mum was like, super pissed n i think she still is, she says i'll have to settle this. OMG. i'm gonna have to starve myself. Then go play maple then watch naruto(the dialogue is super draggy!!!) One Piece n Bleach is better. Then later Nicole smsed me, saying our school's band won Gold with honors, Best Drum Major award and Best Display Band. Wow. I congratulate the band on their achievement and they absolutely deserve it( but the next cca to get a gold will be us, the drama club!!!). Now Claire n Brenna won't look so exhausted.I regret not going to watch.I need to get this html template thinngy wired out cos my links are in disarray, they have spaces bettween them, i wonder y?

Have a nice day....

Friday, April 11, 2008

reflection time

i'm starting to think that i'm becoming more n more of a turn off, irritating n pissing ppl of, i need to change. I need to get a proper clique of friends and get a best firend, a true best friend(speaking of cliques, I think the main girl clique in class dislikes me). I need to start relying on myself, not needing the help of others, i gotta be independent, i need to start bucking up, i miss my good grades, i miss getting top 10 in class, i miss praises from teachers that make my classmates sick cause i'm quite jealous of my classmates. Yes, i'm jealous. I admit. WAKE UP!!!!

Musical lunch

me n herlina
james n siti
james n rahimah
moi n james
watashi n shalyn
nicole n watashi
alyssa n moi
lara n nicole
siti n me
chidam n herlina
still can play badmintton ar?????
james shayn n chidam
me chidam n james
bb we'll miss u........
ello mello
HUG !!!!
It started with one hug,
Hugging FEST!!!!!
Musical lunchie dayyyyy......

bbq photos

Nicole Cherie n Dennis
have some confidnce of syafiq's photography skills lar!!!!
group photo...
Groupyy phophototo
Groupy Photo!!!!

Let's sun-tan
Huggy moments....
James Changing part 2 (Rofl)
James changing part 1 (lol_

Hey winarti!!!
Fun in the sun!!!!
me taking photo of syafiq taking photo of sean n lara. lol
Smile Rahimah!!!!
Hey Rachel, u Rock!

Musical BBQ day....