Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Hyuu!!! added music onto my blog!!! Very annoying n unfitting right? Nvm, i'll just wait till ppl complain then i remove the music. BTW, today i rushed through to finish my dnt. i forgot to take photo. Then went to the appreciation tea thingy. I was 25-min late but it just started when i got in the hall so i wasn't REALLY late. Besisdes, vani came later than me. Then listened to Lara and James' impressive speeches. Then received the DVD for dreams the musical. Then did EAT EAT N EAT. rachel took 17 brownies, SEVENTEEN. I only ate 2. Then we received our certificates of commendation, n i'm glad to announce that my surname is now spelt MIZOGHUCGI, NOT MIZOGUCHI. so now u can call me Kristopher Kenji Mizoghucgi!!!! (no , i'm just joking about calling me differently part, i'm not joking about the spelling error on my certificate .) After the thinngy, we took LOTS of photos. then went to amk hub to slack with some of the ppl, gossiped and talked. Nicole seemed very upset on her phone call. Cheeer up giiirrrrrl! Big girls dun cry!!!!

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