Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I hate post titles

Had a hlf day today. Had geog test, it was a killer. But i think i'll get at least 25-28 marks. Then had art. Mr D. briefed us on our mid-year art paper. I forgot we had half day n i had qn marks over over my head when i saw my classmates packing up n carrying their bags. A childish idiot from our class, Mr Tiramisu, Then went to KFC with Don Sean Ben Terrance Bertrand. Terrance n Benjamin went off when Don Sean n i were momentarily talking with someone else. Bert came back n joined us. Then humphrey n Bryon tagged along. In the end , Only me n humphrey ate there while the rest bought takeaways cos they were going back to sch. Btw, when we reached the KFC, it was still closed but opening in a few minutes so we waited outside. A staff member from there was looking at us n shaking her stupid head as if we were delinquents who skipped sch. I wanted to go straight to her and say, " Whatcha looking at, B!tch? Haven't u seen students on half-day? U judgemental B!tch." then walk off to get a seat n order my food and act as if nth happened, sadly, i didn't do it cos i m a "civillised" human being. Then went home n watched videos on youtube. I came upon one called XiaXue's guide on life. It was so F*cking funny!!!

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