Saturday, April 19, 2008


Woke up today at 2.30pm. My sis went out so i can use comp(yay!!!). Then watch a bit of anime n crap vidoes. Then go play maple. Then after playing i checked my msn n realized it was Donavon's Birthday. I can't believe i almost forgot it. So i immediately smsed him this:

I noe this kinda late but,
Today is ur special day which gave ur mom great pain 14 years ago
U are one year older, one year wiser, one year maturer, one year smarter n one year more good looking. Most importantly,
One year older!!!! Yay!!! OLD!! OLD!! OLD!!! U r one year closer to ur grave!!!!!!!!!!!
Woohoo!!!!!! Enjoy ur birthday!!!!!

Kinda weird isn't it? My dear good friend donavon, Happy Birthday, I hope u get a gf, hope u grow taller, hope u get smarter. lol juz jokin.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bet that made his day.